Authors and Citation
Daniel J. McDonald. Author.
Nat DeFries. Maintainer, author.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Data contributor.
Owner of COVID-19 cases and deaths data from the COVID-19 Data Repository -
Johns Hopkins University. Copyright holder.
Copyright holder of COVID-19 cases and deaths data from the COVID-19 Data Repository -
Carnegie Mellon University Delphi Group. Data contributor.
Owner of masking, social-distancing, and CLI data from the COVID-19 Trends and Impacts Survey. Owner of claims-based CLI data from the Delphi Epidata API -
The COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group. Data contributor.
Owner of Canadian COVID-19 cases rates from the Covid19Canada data repository -
Statistics Canada. Data contributor.
Owner of Canadian graduate employment income data from the Statistics Canada website -
Google. Data contributor.
Collaborator on CLI data from the Google symptom surveys
McDonald DJ, DeFries N (2025). epidatasets: Epidemiological Data for Delphi Tooling Examples. R package version 0.0.2,,
@Manual{, title = {epidatasets: Epidemiological Data for Delphi Tooling Examples}, author = {Daniel J. McDonald and Nat DeFries}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.0.2,}, url = {}, }