and Other Advanced Topicswith huge thanks to Logan Brooks, Xueda Shen, and also to Nat DeFries, Dmitry Shemetov, and David Weber
12 December – Afternoon
Fundamentals of Forecasting
Customizing arx_forecaster()
Build a Forecaster from Scratch
Advanced Topics
We’ve emphasized most of this already.
But that point about transformations is VERY important. And often overlooked.
each of the predictors.R
operations.We didn’t save the means and variances.
We need them to process the test data.
We would also need to invert (postprocess) the predictions.
For example: undoing scaling to predict deaths not deaths per 100K population
The {tidymodels}
suite of packages is intended to handle this situation correctly.
It’s written by programmers at Posit (the people behind {tidyverse}
It doesn’t work for panel data.
That’s what we need for Epidemiological Time Series
We’ve been working with their team to develop this functionality.
We should build up modular components
Be able to add/remove layers of complexity sequentially, not all at once
We should be able to make preprocessing independent of the model fitting
We should be able to postprocess the predictions
Preprocessor: do things to the data before model training
Trainer: train a model on data, resulting in a fitted model object
Predictor: make predictions, using a fitted model object
Postprocessor: do things to the predictions before returning
provides (i)Basic and easy to use “canned” forecasters:
Baseline flat forecaster
Autoregressive forecaster (ARX)
Autoregressive classifier
CDC FluSight flatline forecaster
These are supposed to work easily
Handle lots of cases we’ve already seen
We’ll start here
provides (ii)A framework for creating custom forecasters out of modular components.
This is highly customizable, extends {tidymodels}
to panel data
Good for building a new forecaster from scratch
We’ll do an example at the end
There are four types of components:
Preprocessor: do things to the data before model training
Trainer: train a model on data, resulting in a fitted model object
Predictor: make predictions, using a fitted model object
Postprocessor: do things to the predictions before returning
cases <- pub_covidcast(
source = "jhu-csse",
signals = "confirmed_incidence_num",
time_type = "day",
geo_type = "state",
time_values = epirange(20200401, 20230401),
geo_values = "*") |>
select(geo_value, time_value, cases = value)
deaths <- pub_covidcast(
source = "jhu-csse",
signals = "deaths_incidence_num",
time_type = "day",
geo_type = "state",
time_values = epirange(20200401, 20230401),
geo_values = "*") |>
select(geo_value, time_value, deaths = value)
cases_deaths <- full_join(cases, deaths, by = c("time_value", "geo_value")) |>
Scale cases and deaths by population and multiply by 100K
Smooth the data by computing 7-day averages of cases and deaths for each state
on training setBack to the ARX(1) model for COVID deaths:
Only focus on California (for now)
Using {epipredict}
# split into train and test ca <- cases_deaths |> filter(geo_value == "ca") t0_date <- as.Date('2021-04-01') train <- ca |> filter(time_value <= t0_date) test <- ca |> filter(time_value > t0_date) # fit ARX epi_arx <- arx_forecaster( epi_data = train |> as_epi_df(), outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )
# split into train and test ca <- cases_deaths |> filter(geo_value == "ca") t0_date <- as.Date('2021-04-01') train <- ca |> filter(time_value <= t0_date) test <- ca |> filter(time_value > t0_date) # fit ARX epi_arx <- arx_forecaster( epi_data = train |> as_epi_df(), outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )
output══ A basic forecaster of type ARX Forecaster ═══════════════════════════════════
This forecaster was fit on 2024-12-12 00:10:36.
Training data was an <epi_df> with:
• Geography: state,
• Time type: day,
• Using data up-to-date as of: 2024-12-12 00:09:47.
• With the last data available on 2021-04-01
── Predictions ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
A total of 1 prediction is available for
• 1 unique geographic region,
• At forecast date: 2021-04-01,
• For target date: 2021-04-29,
══ Epi Workflow [trained] ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Preprocessor: Recipe
Model: linear_reg()
Postprocessor: Frosting
── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
6 Recipe steps.
1. step_epi_lag()
2. step_epi_lag()
3. step_epi_ahead()
4. step_naomit()
5. step_naomit()
6. step_training_window()
── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data)
(Intercept) lag_0_cases lag_0_deaths
0.075387 0.009953 0.201329
── Postprocessor ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5 Frosting layers.
1. layer_predict()
2. layer_residual_quantiles()
3. layer_add_forecast_date()
4. layer_add_target_date()
5. layer_threshold()
Contains information on
Pre-processing steps automatically performed by arx_forecaster
(e.g. compute lags of the predictors)
Fitted model
Post-processing steps automatically performed by arx_forecaster
(e.g. compute quantiles)
# A tibble: 1 × 5
geo_value .pred .pred_distn forecast_date target_date
<chr> <dbl> <dist> <date> <date>
1 ca 0.218 quantiles(0.22)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
is actually a “distribution”, parameterized by its quantiles
estimates the quantiles in a different way than lm
We can extract the distribution into a “long” epi_df
# A tibble: 2 × 6
geo_value .pred values quantile_levels forecast_date target_date
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <date>
1 ca 0.218 0.137 0.1 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
2 ca 0.218 0.300 0.9 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
or into a “wide” epi_df
fits a model to the training set, and outputs only one prediction (for time
To get predictions for the test set:
An `epi_df` object, 707 x 6 with metadata:
* geo_type = state
* time_type = day
* as_of = 2024-12-12 00:09:47.499248
# A tibble: 707 × 6
geo_value time_value .pred .pred_distn forecast_date target_date
* <chr> <date> <dbl> <dist> <date> <date>
1 ca 2021-04-02 0.213 quantiles(0.21)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
2 ca 2021-04-03 0.202 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
3 ca 2021-04-04 0.197 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
4 ca 2021-04-05 0.201 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
5 ca 2021-04-06 0.199 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
6 ca 2021-04-07 0.195 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
7 ca 2021-04-08 0.195 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
8 ca 2021-04-09 0.196 quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
9 ca 2021-04-10 0.208 quantiles(0.21)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
10 ca 2021-04-11 0.213 quantiles(0.21)[2] 2021-04-01 2021-04-29
# ℹ 697 more rows
In practice, if we want to re-train the forecasters as new data arrive, we fit and predict combining arx_forecaster
with epix_slide
From now on, we will only used versioned data, and make predictions once a week
h <- 28 # horizon w <- 120 + h # trailing window length # Specify the forecast dates fc_time_values <- seq(from = t0_date, to = as.Date("2023-02-09"), by = "1 week") # Slide the arx_forecaster over the epi_archive pred_arx <- ca_archive |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = h, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = fc_time_values )
h <- 28 # horizon w <- 120 + h # trailing window length # Specify the forecast dates fc_time_values <- seq(from = t0_date, to = as.Date("2023-02-09"), by = "1 week") # Slide the arx_forecaster over the epi_archive pred_arx <- ca_archive |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = h, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = fc_time_values )
Note (window length)
We set
When considering a window from
(That’s because we lagged
So we were “cheating” by saying that the trailing window had length
Note (all past)
The method fitting on all past data up to the forecasting date can be implemented by setting:
.before = Inf
in epix_slide()
# A tibble: 98 × 7
version geo_value .pred forecast_date target_date `0.1` `0.9`
* <date> <chr> <dbl> <date> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2021-04-01 ca 0.396 2021-03-31 2021-04-28 0.192 0.599
2 2021-04-08 ca 0.395 2021-04-07 2021-05-05 0.197 0.594
3 2021-04-15 ca 0.403 2021-04-14 2021-05-12 0.211 0.595
4 2021-04-22 ca 0.312 2021-04-21 2021-05-19 0.142 0.482
5 2021-04-29 ca 0.261 2021-04-28 2021-05-26 0.0879 0.433
6 2021-05-06 ca 0.209 2021-05-05 2021-06-02 0.0238 0.394
7 2021-05-13 ca 0.158 2021-05-12 2021-06-09 0 0.345
8 2021-05-20 ca 0.118 2021-05-19 2021-06-16 0 0.296
9 2021-05-27 ca 0.0775 2021-05-26 2021-06-23 0 0.239
10 2021-06-03 ca 0.0552 2021-06-02 2021-06-30 0 0.137
# ℹ 88 more rows
MAE MASE Coverage
0.07889637 264.5207 0.4285714
arx_forecaster( epi_data = train, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg() |> set_engine("lm"), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )
arx_forecaster( epi_data = train, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("cases", "deaths"), trainer = linear_reg() |> set_engine("lm"), args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )
Modify predictors
to add/drop predictors
e.g. drop deaths
for regression with a lagged predictor, or drop cases
to get AR model
default: predictors = outcome
to change lags, horizon, quantile levels, …arx_args_list(
lags = c(0L, 7L, 14L),
ahead = 7L,
n_training = Inf,
forecast_date = NULL,
target_date = NULL,
adjust_latency = c("none", "extend_ahead", "extend_lags", "locf"),
warn_latency = TRUE,
quantile_levels = c(0.05, 0.95),
symmetrize = TRUE,
nonneg = TRUE,
quantile_by_key = character(0L),
check_enough_data_n = NULL,
check_enough_data_epi_keys = NULL,
dv_archive <- pub_covidcast(
source = "doctor-visits",
signals = "smoothed_adj_cli",
time_type = "day",
geo_type = "state",
time_values = epirange(20200401, 20230401),
geo_values = "*",
issues = epirange(20200401, 20230401)) |>
select(geo_value, time_value, version = issue, doctor_visits = value) |>
arrange(geo_value, time_value) |>
as_epi_archive(compactify = FALSE)
pred_arx_hosp <- ca_archive_dv |> epix_slide(
~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x,
outcome = "deaths",
predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"),
trainer = linear_reg(),
args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9))
)$predictions |>
.before = w,
.versions = fc_time_values
MAE MASE Coverage
0.06040473 202.5227 0.5510204
pred_arx_more_lags <- ca_archive_dv |> epix_slide(
~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x,
outcome = "deaths",
predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"),
trainer = linear_reg(),
args_list = arx_args_list(
lags = c(0, 7, 14),
ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)
)$predictions |>
.before = w,
.versions = fc_time_values
MAE MASE Coverage
0.077735 260.6269 0.3367347
forecast_times <- seq(from = t0_date, to = as.Date("2023-02-23"), by = "1 month") pred_h_days_ahead <- function(epi_archive, ahead = 7) { epi_archive |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"), trainer = linear_reg() |> set_engine("lm"), args_list = arx_args_list( lags = 0, ahead = ahead, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = forecast_times ) } h <- c(7, 14, 21, 28) forecasts <- bind_rows(map(h, ~ pred_h_days_ahead(ca_archive_dv, ahead = .x)))
forecast_times <- seq(from = t0_date, to = as.Date("2023-02-23"), by = "1 month") pred_h_days_ahead <- function(epi_archive, ahead = 7) { epi_archive |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"), trainer = linear_reg() |> set_engine("lm"), args_list = arx_args_list( lags = 0, ahead = ahead, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = forecast_times ) } h <- c(7, 14, 21, 28) forecasts <- bind_rows(map(h, ~ pred_h_days_ahead(ca_archive_dv, ahead = .x)))
Modify trainer
to use a model that is not lm
trainer = rand_forest()
models, see list{epipredict}
has a number of custom engines as wellpred_arx_rf <- ca_archive_dv |>
~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x,
outcome = "deaths",
predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"),
trainer = parsnip::rand_forest(mode = "regression"), # defaults to ranger
args_list = arx_args_list(
lags = 0,
ahead = 28,
quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9))
)$predictions |>
.before = w,
.versions = fc_time_values
MAE MASE Coverage
0.08028482 269.1759 0.1020408
Random forests has really poor coverage here.
The reason is the way intervals are calculated.
Can change engine to get better coverage:
specify engine = "grf_quantiles"
in the rand_forest
MAE MASE Coverage
0.08824774 295.8736 0.3979592
We could
pred_arx_geo_pool <- usa_archive_dv |> epix_slide(
~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x,
outcome = "deaths",
predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"),
args_list = arx_args_list(lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9))
)$predictions |>
.before = w,
.versions = fc_time_values
Note: geo-pooling is the default in epipredict
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.1342220 450.0143 0.8673469
MA 0.1200344 296.9929 0.8041237
NY 0.1328566 327.4008 0.8556701
TX 0.1601115 343.0498 0.8350515
pred_arx_no_geo_pool <- function(archive, ahead = 28, lags = 0){
archive |>
~ group_by(.x, geo_value) |>
group_map(.keep = TRUE, function(group_data, group_key) {
arx_forecaster(epi_data = group_data,
outcome = "deaths",
predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"),
trainer = linear_reg() |> set_engine("lm"),
args_list = arx_args_list(
lags = lags,
ahead = ahead,
quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9))
)$predictions |>
}) |>
.before = w,
.versions = fc_time_values
pred_no_geo_pool_28 <- pred_arx_no_geo_pool(usa_archive_dv$DT |>
filter(geo_value %in% c("ca", "ma", "ny", "tx")) |>
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.06040473 202.5227 0.5510204
MA 0.33532528 823.3607 0.3367347
NY 0.21072571 516.3337 0.5408163
TX 0.14144058 306.2029 0.4285714
Geo-pooled predictions tend to be more stable
Generally with wider intervals (and better coverage)
Meanwhile, predictions from state-wise models tend to be more volatile
The extent to which this occurs differs based on the horizon.
Previously we studied
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.09676644 320.9851 0.9081633
MA 0.09278403 234.9664 0.8350515
NY 0.09029822 222.3488 0.9381443
TX 0.11307616 239.1528 0.8659794
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.03971988 131.7553 0.6734694
MA 0.06579422 168.3530 0.5714286
NY 0.05005395 124.5359 0.6836735
TX 0.05756194 122.0824 0.7040816
takes quantiles of training residuals to form its prediction intervalslm()
, this is more flexibleTaking quantiles of training residuals can be problematic if the model is overfit.
Quantile regression provides an alternative, wherein we estimate these quantiles directly
Technically, grf_quantiles
was using Quantile Loss with Random Forests
Now we directly target conditional quantiles of the outcome over time.
Estimating tail quantiles requires more data, so
unsuitable for settings with small training set (e.g. trailing window on one state)
can benefit by combination with geo-pooling (much more data to train on)
library(quantreg) pred_qr_geo_pool <- usa_archive_dv |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"), trainer = quantile_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list( lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = fc_time_values )
library(quantreg) pred_qr_geo_pool <- usa_archive_dv |> epix_slide( ~ arx_forecaster(epi_data = .x, outcome = "deaths", predictors = c("deaths", "doctor_visits"), trainer = quantile_reg(), args_list = arx_args_list( lags = 0, ahead = 28, quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.9)) )$predictions |> pivot_quantiles_wider(.pred_distn), .before = w, .versions = fc_time_values )
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.1447173 485.2027 0.8877551
MA 0.1214715 300.5488 0.7216495
NY 0.1384252 341.1235 0.7525773
TX 0.1604103 343.6901 0.7835052
MAE MASE Coverage
CA 0.1342220 450.0143 0.8673469
MA 0.1200344 296.9929 0.8041237
NY 0.1328566 327.4008 0.8556701
TX 0.1601115 343.0498 0.8350515
So far, we performed manual pre-processing,
and then relied on a canned forecaster
to automatically perform more pre-processing, training, predicting, and post-processing.
What if we want more direct control on each single step?
# A preprocessing "recipe" that turns raw data into features / response rec <- epi_recipe(ca) |> step_epi_lag(cases, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_lag(deaths, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_ahead(deaths, ahead = 28) |> step_epi_naomit() # Training engine eng <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(.1, .5, .9)) # A post-processing routine describing what to do to the predictions frost <- frosting() |> layer_predict() |> layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0) |> # predictions / intervals should be non-negative layer_add_target_date() |> layer_add_forecast_date() # Bundle up the preprocessor, training engine, and postprocessor # We use quantile regression ewf <- epi_workflow(rec, eng, frost) # Fit it to data (we could fit this to ANY data that has the same format) trained_ewf <- fit(ewf, data = ca) # Make predictions from the end of our training data # we could have made predictions using the same model on ANY test data fcasts <- forecast(trained_ewf)
# A preprocessing "recipe" that turns raw data into features / response rec <- epi_recipe(ca) |> step_epi_lag(cases, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_lag(deaths, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_ahead(deaths, ahead = 28) |> step_epi_naomit() # Training engine eng <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(.1, .5, .9)) # A post-processing routine describing what to do to the predictions frost <- frosting() |> layer_predict() |> layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0) |> # predictions / intervals should be non-negative layer_add_target_date() |> layer_add_forecast_date() # Bundle up the preprocessor, training engine, and postprocessor # We use quantile regression ewf <- epi_workflow(rec, eng, frost) # Fit it to data (we could fit this to ANY data that has the same format) trained_ewf <- fit(ewf, data = ca) # Make predictions from the end of our training data # we could have made predictions using the same model on ANY test data fcasts <- forecast(trained_ewf)
# A preprocessing "recipe" that turns raw data into features / response rec <- epi_recipe(ca) |> step_epi_lag(cases, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_lag(deaths, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_ahead(deaths, ahead = 28) |> step_epi_naomit() # Training engine eng <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(.1, .5, .9)) # A post-processing routine describing what to do to the predictions frost <- frosting() |> layer_predict() |> layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0) |> # predictions / intervals should be non-negative layer_add_target_date() |> layer_add_forecast_date() # Bundle up the preprocessor, training engine, and postprocessor # We use quantile regression ewf <- epi_workflow(rec, eng, frost) # Fit it to data (we could fit this to ANY data that has the same format) trained_ewf <- fit(ewf, data = ca) # Make predictions from the end of our training data # we could have made predictions using the same model on ANY test data fcasts <- forecast(trained_ewf)
# A preprocessing "recipe" that turns raw data into features / response rec <- epi_recipe(ca) |> step_epi_lag(cases, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_lag(deaths, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_ahead(deaths, ahead = 28) |> step_epi_naomit() # Training engine eng <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(.1, .5, .9)) # A post-processing routine describing what to do to the predictions frost <- frosting() |> layer_predict() |> layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0) |> # predictions / intervals should be non-negative layer_add_target_date() |> layer_add_forecast_date() # Bundle up the preprocessor, training engine, and postprocessor # We use quantile regression ewf <- epi_workflow(rec, eng, frost) # Fit it to data (we could fit this to ANY data that has the same format) trained_ewf <- fit(ewf, data = ca) # Make predictions from the end of our training data # we could have made predictions using the same model on ANY test data fcasts <- forecast(trained_ewf)
# A preprocessing "recipe" that turns raw data into features / response rec <- epi_recipe(ca) |> step_epi_lag(cases, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_lag(deaths, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |> step_epi_ahead(deaths, ahead = 28) |> step_epi_naomit() # Training engine eng <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(.1, .5, .9)) # A post-processing routine describing what to do to the predictions frost <- frosting() |> layer_predict() |> layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0) |> # predictions / intervals should be non-negative layer_add_target_date() |> layer_add_forecast_date() # Bundle up the preprocessor, training engine, and postprocessor # We use quantile regression ewf <- epi_workflow(rec, eng, frost) # Fit it to data (we could fit this to ANY data that has the same format) trained_ewf <- fit(ewf, data = ca) # Make predictions from the end of our training data # we could have made predictions using the same model on ANY test data fcasts <- forecast(trained_ewf)
From here on, the emphasis is “how” to make these adjustments. Ran out of time to evaluate!
Hospital reporting was down for a period over the summer.
The current data doesn’t seem to match the historical data very well.
It may get revised significantly
Let’s do something super simple, until we’re more confident
Think like the weather: “what is the typical weather in February in Georgia, that’s our forecast”
climatological_model <- function(epi_data, forecast_date, ahead, window_size = 3, geo_agg = FALSE) {
forecast_week <- epiweek(forecast_date)
last_date_data <- max(epi_data$time_value)
probs <- c(.1, .5, .9)
filtered <- epi_data |>
(season != "2020/21") & (season != "2021/22"), # drop weird years
# keep data either within the window, or within the past window weeks
(abs(forecast_week + ahead - epiweek) <= window_size) |
(last_date_data - time_value <= window_size * 7)
if (geo_agg) {
filtered <- filtered |>
left_join(state_census |> select(geo_value = abbr, pop), by = "geo_value") |>
mutate(nhsn = nhsn / pop * 1e5) %>%
select(geo_value, epiweek, epiyear, season, season_week, nhsn, pop)
} else {
filtered <- filtered |> group_by(geo_value)
naive_preds <- filtered |> reframe(enframe(
quantile(nhsn, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE, type = 8), name = "quantile"
)) |>
forecast_date = forecast_date,
target_end_date = forecast_date + ahead * 7,
quantile = as.numeric(sub("%", "", quantile)) / 100,
value = pmax(0, value)
if (geo_agg) {
naive_preds <- naive_preds |>
expand_grid(filtered |> distinct(geo_value, pop)) |>
mutate(value = value * pop / 1e5) |>
select(-pop) |>
select(geo_value, forecast_date, target_end_date, quantile, value) |>
arrange(geo_value, forecast_date, target_end_date)
naive_preds |> ungroup() |> mutate(value = pmax(0, value))
roll_modular_multivec <- function(col, index, window_size, modulus = 53) {
tib <- tibble(col = col, index = index) |>
arrange(index) |>
tidyr::nest(data = col, .by = index)
out <- double(nrow(tib))
for (iter in seq_along(out)) {
entries <- (iter - window_size):(iter + window_size) %% modulus
entries[entries == 0] <- modulus
out[iter] <- with(
median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
tibble(index = unique(tib$index), climate_pred = out)
climatological_feature <- function(epi_data, window_size = 3) {
epi_data |>
filter(season != "2020/21", season != "2021/22") |> # drop weird years)
select(nhsn, epiweek, geo_value) |>
reframe(roll_modular_multivec(nhsn, epiweek, window_size, 53), .by = geo_value) |>
mutate(climate_pred = pmax(0, climate_pred)) |>
rename(epiweek = index)
climate <- climatological_feature(climate_data |> select(nhsn, epiweek, season, geo_value))
nssp <- pub_covidcast( # time_value is first day of the epiweek
source = "nssp",
signal = "pct_ed_visits_influenza",
time_type = "week",
geo_type = "state",
geo_values = "*"
) |>
select(geo_value, time_value, nssp = value)
flu_data <- hhs_v_nhsn |>
select(time_value, geo_value, hhs = new_source) |>
left_join(nssp |> mutate(time_value = time_value + 6), by = join_by(geo_value, time_value))
n_geos <- n_distinct(flu_data$geo_value)
max_time_value <- max(flu_data$time_value)
empty_data <- tibble(
time_value = rep(max_time_value + days(1:3 * 7), each = n_geos),
geo_value = rep(unique(flu_data$geo_value), times = 3),
nssp = NA, hhs = NA
flu_data <- flu_data |>
filter(month(time_value) %in% 8:12, year(time_value) %nin% c(2020, 2021)) |>
add_row(empty_data) |>
mutate(epiweek = epiweek(time_value)) |>
left_join(climate, by = join_by(geo_value, epiweek)) |>
select(!epiweek) |>
filter(geo_value %nin% c("as", "vi", "gu", "mp", "usa")) |>
arrange(geo_value, time_value) |>
r <- epi_recipe(flu_data) |>
hhs, nssp,
df = epidatasets::state_census,
df_pop_col = "pop",
create_new = FALSE,
rate_rescaling = 1e5,
by = c("geo_value" = "abbr")) |>
recipes::step_mutate(hhs = hhs^(1/4), nssp = nssp^(1/4), climate_pred = climate_pred^(1/4)) |>
step_epi_lag(hhs, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |>
step_epi_lag(nssp, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) |>
step_epi_ahead(hhs, ahead = 21) |>
step_epi_ahead(climate_pred, ahead = 21, role = "predictor") |>
e <- quantile_reg(quantile_levels = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9))
f <- frosting() |>
layer_predict() |>
layer_threshold(.pred, lower = 0)
ewf <- epi_workflow(r, e, f)
trained_ewf <- ewf |> fit(flu_data)
preds <- forecast(trained_ewf) |>
left_join(epidatasets::state_census |> select(pop, abbr), join_by(geo_value == abbr)) |>
.pred = .pred^4 * pop / 1e5,
forecast_date = time_value + days(7),
target_date = forecast_date + days(14),
time_value = NULL,
pop = NULL
Instead of choosing one model, we can combine the predictions from multiple base models. Ensemble types:
untrained: combine base models, agnostic to past performance
trained: weight base models, accounting for past performance
Simplest untrained method: simple average of base model forecasts
A more robust option: simple median of base model forecasts
1 Compete-with-best: ensemble should have accuracy competitive with best individual constituent model
Typically these are hard to accomplish simultaneously, and untrained methods excel at point 2, whereas trained methods can achieve point 1
One of the simplest trained ensemble methods is to directly fit a weighted combination of base forecasts to optimize accuracy (MSE, MAE, etc.), often called linear stacking: e.g., to form the forecast at time
then use
Note that the stacking optimization problem uses forward-looking predictions (as in time series cross-validation)
We have seen that prediction intervals often have empirical coverage << nominal coverage, e.g., our 80% predictive intervals in practice cover
Recalibration methods aim at adjusting the intervals so that nominal coverage
Quantile tracking is a method for producing calibrated prediction intervals from base forecasts and scores. In the simplest case, we can take the score to be absolute error of point forecasts:
Therefore we the reduced the problem of producing prediction intervals
We begin with some estimate
In words:
This method has the following guarantee:
Forecasting — cmu-delphi/insightnet-workshop-2024