Forecasting and Time-Series Models

Venue – dd Somemonth yyyy


  1. Linear Regression for Time Series Data

  2. Evaluation Methods

  3. ARX Models

  4. Considerations for Different Horizons

  5. Overfitting and Regularization

  6. Prediction Intervals

  7. Forecasting with Versioned Data

  8. Modeling Multiple Time Series

Linear Regression for Time Series Data

Basics of linear regression

  • Assume we observe a predictor \(x_i\) and an outcome \(y_i\) for \(i = 1, \dots, n\).

  • Linear regression seeks coefficients \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) such that

\[y_i \approx \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i\]

is a good approximation for every \(i = 1, \dots, n\).

  • In R, the coefficients are found by running lm(y ~ x), where y is the vector of responses and x the vector of predictors.

Multiple linear regression

  • Given \(p\) different predictors, we seek \((p+1)\) coefficients such that

\[y_i \approx \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \dots + \beta_p x_{ip}\] is a good approximation for every \(i = 1, \dots, n\).

Linear regression with lagged predictor

  • In time series, outcomes and predictors are usually indexed by time \(t\).

  • Goal: predicting future \(y\), given present \(x\).

  • Model: linear regression with lagged predictor

\[\hat y_t = \hat \beta + \hat \beta_0 x_{t-k}\]

i.e. regress the outcome \(y\) at time \(t\) on the predictor \(x\) at time \(t-k\).

  • Equivalent way to write the model:

\[\hat y_{t+k} = \hat \beta + \hat \beta_0 x_t\]

Example: predicting COVID deaths

  • During the pandemic, interest in predicting COVID deaths 7, 14, 21, 28 days ahead.

  • Can we reasonably predict COVID deaths 28 days ahead by just using cases today?

  • If we let

\[y_{t+28} = \text{deaths at time } t+28 \quad\quad x_{t} = \text{cases at time } t\] is the following a good model?

\[\hat y_{t+28} = \hat\beta_0 + \hat\beta_1 x_{t}\]

Example: COVID cases and deaths in California

  • Let’s focus on California.

  • Cases seem highly correlated with deaths several weeks later.

An `epi_df` object, 6 x 4 with metadata:
* geo_type  = state
* time_type = day
* as_of     = 2024-10-23 20:07:29.405142

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  geo_value time_value cases deaths
* <chr>     <date>     <dbl>  <dbl>
1 ca        2020-04-01  3.17 0.0734
2 ca        2020-04-02  3.48 0.0835
3 ca        2020-04-03  3.44 0.0894
4 ca        2020-04-04  3.05 0.0778
5 ca        2020-04-05  3.28 0.0876
6 ca        2020-04-06  3.37 0.0848

Checking correlation

  • Let’s split the data into a training and a test set (before/after 2021-03-01).

  • On training set: large correlation between cases and deaths 28 days ahead (> 0.95).

  • Let’s use (base) R to prepare the data and fit

\[\hat y_{t+28} = \hat\beta + \hat\beta_0 x_{t}\]

Preparing the data

# Add column with cases lagged by k
ca$lagged_cases <- dplyr::lag(ca$cases, n = k)

# Split into train and test (before/after t0_date)
t0_date <- as.Date('2021-03-01')
train <- ca %>% filter(time_value <= t0_date)
test <- ca %>% filter(time_value > t0_date)
  • Check if deaths is approximately linear in lagged_cases:

Fitting lagged linear regression in R

reg_lagged = lm(deaths ~ lagged_cases, data = train)
 (Intercept) lagged_cases 
  0.09853776   0.01132312 


Error metrics

  • Assume we have predictions \(\hat y_{new, t}\) for the unseen observations \(y_{new,t}\) over times \(t = 1, \dots, N\).

  • Four commonly used error metrics are:

    • mean squared error (MSE)

    • mean absolute error (MAE)

    • mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)

    • mean absolute scaled error (MASE)

Error metrics: MSE and MAE

\[MSE = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N (y_{new, t}- \hat y_{new, t})^2\] \[MAE = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N |y_{new, t}- \hat y_{new, t}|\]

  • MAE gives less importance to extreme errors than MSE.

  • Drawback: both metrics are scale-dependent, so they are not universally interpretable. (For example, if \(y\) captures height, MSE and MAE will vary depending on whether we measure in feet or meters.)

Error metrics: MAPE

  • Fixing scale-dependence:

\[MAPE = 100 \times \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N \left|\frac{y_{new, t}- \hat y_{new, t}}{y_{new, t}}\right|\]

  • Drawbacks:

    • Erratic behavior when \(y_{new, t}\) is close to zero

    • It assumes the unit of measurement has a meaningful zero (e.g. using Fahrenheit or Celsius to measure temperature will lead to different MAPE)

Comparing MAE and MAPE


There are situations when MAPE is problematic!

           MAE     MAPE
yhat1 2.873328 43.14008
yhat2 5.382247 36.08279

Error metrics: MASE

\[MASE = 100 \times \frac{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N |y_{new, t}- \hat y_{new, t}|} {\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{t=2}^N |y_{new, t}- y_{new, t-1}|}\]

  • Advantages:

    • is universally interpretable (not scale dependent)

    • avoids the zero-pitfall

  • MASE in words: we normalize the error of our forecasts by that of a naive method which always predicts the last observation.

Comparing MAE, MAPE and MASE

           MAE     MAPE      MASE
yhat1 2.873328 43.14008  66.10004
yhat2 5.382247 36.08279 123.81696

Defining the error metrics in R

MSE <- function(truth, prediction) {
  mean((truth - prediction)^2)}

MAE <- function(truth, prediction) {
  mean(abs(truth - prediction))}

MAPE <- function(truth, prediction) {
  100 * mean(abs(truth - prediction) / truth)}

MASE <- function(truth, prediction) {
  100 * MAE(truth, prediction) / mean(abs(diff(truth)))}

Estimating the prediction error

  • Given an error metric, we want to estimate the prediction error under that metric.

  • This can be accomplished in different ways, using the

    • Training error

    • Split-sample error

    • Time series cross-validation error (using all past data or a trailing window)

Training error

  • The easiest but worst approach to estimate the prediction error is to use the training error, i.e. the average error on the training set that was used to fit the model.

  • The training error is

    • generally too optimistic as an estimate of prediction error

    • more optimistic the more complex the model!1

Training error

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

# Getting the predictions for the training set
pred_train <- predict(reg_lagged)
                MAE     MASE
training 0.05985631 351.4848

Split-sample error

  • To compute the split-sample error

    1. Split data into training (up to time \(t_0\)), and test set (after \(t_0\))

    2. Fit the model to the training data only

    3. Make predictions for the test set

    4. Compute the selected error metric on the test set only

  • Formally, the split-sample MSE is

\[\text{SplitMSE} = \frac{1}{n-t_0} \sum_{t = t_0 +1}^n (\hat y_t - y_t)^2\]

  • Split-sample estimates of prediction error don’t mimic a situation where we would refit the model in the future. They are pessimistic if the relation between outcome and predictors changes over time.

Split-sample error

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

# Getting the predictions for the test set
pred_test <- predict(reg_lagged, newdata = test)
                    MAE     MASE
training     0.05985631 351.4848
split-sample 0.10005007 659.8971

Time-series cross-validation (CV)

1-step ahead predictions

  • If we refit in the future once new data are available, a more appropriate way to estimate the prediction error is time-series cross-validation.

  • To get 1-step ahead predictions (i.e. at time \(t\) we forecast for \(t+1\)) we proceed as follows, for \(t = t_0, t_0+1, \dots\)

    1. Fit the model using data up to time \(t\)

    2. Make a prediction for \(t+1\)

    3. Record the prediction error

The cross-validation MSE is then

\[CVMSE = \frac{1}{n-t_0} \sum_{t = t_0}^{n-1} (\hat y_{t+1|t} - y_{t+1})^2\]

where \(\hat y_{t+1|t}\) indicates a prediction for \(y\) at time \(t+1\) that was made with data available up to time \(t\).

Time-series cross-validation (CV)

\(h\)-step ahead predictions

  • In general, if we want to make \(h\)-step ahead predictions (i.e. at time \(t\) we forecast for \(t+h\)), we proceed as follows for \(t = t_0, t_0+1, \dots\)

    • Fit the model using data up to time \(t\)

    • Make a prediction for \(t+h\)

    • Record the prediction error

  • The cross-validation MSE is then

\[CVMSE = \frac{1}{n-t_0} \sum_{t = t_0}^{n-h} (\hat y_{t+h|t} - y_{t+h})^2\]

where \(\hat y_{t+h|t}\) indicates a prediction for \(y\) at time \(t+h\) that was made with data available up to time \(t\).

Time-series cross-validation (CV)

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

Getting the predictions requires slightly more code:

n <- nrow(ca)                               #length of time series
h <- k                                      #number of days ahead for which prediction is wanted
pred_all_past <- rep(NA, length = n-h-t0+1) #initialize vector of predictions

for (t in t0:(n-h)) {
  # fit to all past data and make 1-step ahead prediction
  reg_all_past = lm(deaths ~ lagged_cases, data = ca, subset = (1:n) <= t) 
  pred_all_past[t-t0+1] = predict(reg_all_past, newdata = data.frame(ca[t+h, ]))


With the current model, we can only predict \(k\) days ahead (where \(k\) = number of days by which predictor is lagged)!

Time-series cross-validation (CV)

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

                      MAE     MASE
training       0.05985631 351.4848
split-sample   0.10005007 659.8971
time series CV 0.08973951 732.5769

Regression on a trailing window

  • So far, to get \(h\)-step ahead predictions for time \(t+h\), we have fitted the model on all data available up to time \(t\). We can instead use a trailing window, i.e. fit the model on a window of data of length \(w\), starting at time \(t-w\) and ending at \(t\).

  • Advantage: if the predictors-outcome relation changes over time, training the forecaster on a window of recent data can better capture the recent relation which might be more relevant to predict the outcome in the near future.

  • Window length \(w\) considerations:

    • if \(w\) is too big, the model can’t adapt to the recent predictors-outcome relation

    • if \(w\) is too small, the fitted model may be too volatile (trained on too little data)

Trailing window

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

# Getting the predictions through CV with trailing window
w <- 200                                    #trailing window size
h <- k                                      #number of days ahead for which prediction is wanted
pred_trailing <- rep(NA, length = n-h-t0+1) #initialize vector of predictions

for (t in t0:(n-h)) {
  # fit to a trailing window of size w and make 1-step ahead prediction
  reg_trailing = lm(deaths ~ lagged_cases, data = ca, 
                    subset = (1:n) <= t & (1:n) > (t-w)) 
  pred_trailing[t-t0+1] = predict(reg_trailing, newdata = data.frame(ca[t+h, ]))

Time-series CV: all past vs trailing window

Linear regression of COVID deaths on lagged cases

                                 MAE     MASE
training                  0.05985631 351.4848
split-sample              0.10005007 659.8971
time series CV            0.08973951 732.5769
time series CV + trailing 0.10270064 838.3834

ARX Models

Autoregressive (AR) model

  • Idea: predicting the outcome via a linear combination of (some of) its lags

\[\hat y_{t+h} = \hat \phi + \hat\phi_0 y_{t} + \hat\phi_1 y_{t-1} + \dots + \hat\phi_p y_{t-p}\]

  • Notice: we don’t need to include all contiguous lags1.

  • For example, we could fit

\[\hat y_{t+h} = \hat \phi + \hat\phi_0 y_{t} + \hat\phi_1 y_{t-7} + \hat\phi_2 y_{t-14}\]

AR model for COVID deaths

  • Let’s disregard cases, and only use COVID deaths to predict deaths 28 days ahead.

  • We will fit the model:

\[\hat y_{t+28} = \hat\phi + \hat\phi_0 y_{t}\]

  • Would this be a good forecaster?

Preparing the data and checking correlation

# Add column with deaths lagged by 28
ca$lagged_deaths <- dplyr::lag(ca$deaths, n = k)

# Split into train and test (before/after t0_date)
train <- ca %>% filter(time_value <= t0_date)
test <- ca %>% filter(time_value > t0_date)

Fitting the AR model for COVID deaths

ar_fit = lm(deaths ~ lagged_deaths, data = train)
  (Intercept) lagged_deaths 
    0.1023887     0.9523213 


The intercept is close to 0, and the coefficient is close to 1. This means that we are naively predicting the number of deaths in 28 days with (approximately) the number of deaths observed today.

Predictions on training and test sets (AR model)

                   MAE      MASE
training     0.1469711  902.8794
split-sample 0.1899489 1252.8397

Time-Series CV: all past and trailing (AR model)

                                MAE      MASE
training                  0.1469711  902.8794
split-sample              0.1899489 1252.8397
time series CV            0.1242872 1014.6024
time series CV + trailing 0.1646065 1343.7439

Autoregressive exogenous input (ARX) model

  • Idea: predicting the outcome via a linear combination of its lags and a set of exogenous (i.e. external) input variables

  • Example:

\[\hat y_{t+h} = \hat\phi + \sum_{i=0}^p \hat\phi_i y_{t-i} + \sum_{j=0}^q \hat\beta_j x_{t-j}\]

  • We can construct more complex ARX models with multiple lags of several exogenous variables

ARX model for COVID deaths

  • To improve our predictions for COVID deaths 28 days ahead, we could merge the two models considered so far.

  • This leads us to the ARX model

\[\hat y_{t+28} = \hat\phi + \hat\phi_0 y_{t} + \hat\beta_0 x_{t}\]

  • We can fit it on the training set by running
arx_fit = lm(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases, data = train)
  (Intercept) lagged_deaths  lagged_cases 
   0.08133189    0.14010549    0.01030239 

Predictions on training and test sets (ARX model)

                    MAE     MASE
training     0.06268428 368.0910
split-sample 0.08227714 542.6727

Time-Series CV: all past and trailing (ARX model)

                                 MAE     MASE
training                  0.06268428 368.0910
split-sample              0.08227714 542.6727
time series CV            0.06739289 550.1531
time series CV + trailing 0.04757330 388.3585

Considerations for Different Horizons

Changing \(h\)

  • So far we focused on COVID deaths prediction 28 days ahead.

  • The ARX model we fitted had much better performance than the AR model.

  • We will next compare the AR model

\[\hat y_{t+h} = \hat\phi + \hat\phi_0 y_t\]

to the ARX model

\[\hat y_{t+h} = \hat\phi + \hat\phi_0 y_t + \hat\beta_0 x_t\]

for horizons \(h = 7, 14, 21, 28\) (using a trailing window of size 200).

Predicting 7 days ahead

           MAE     MASE
AR  0.12989192 934.5696
ARX 0.09713393 698.8765

Predicting 14 days ahead

           MAE     MASE
AR  0.13037989 956.0440
ARX 0.06348795 465.5417

Predicting 21 days ahead

          MAE      MASE
AR  0.1702452 1312.0747
ARX 0.0488983  376.8577

Predicting 28 days ahead

          MAE      MASE
AR  0.1646065 1343.7439
ARX 0.0475733  388.3585


  • For each horizon \(h\), the ARX model has always smaller error than the AR model.

  • The benefit of including cases as a predictor increases with \(h\).

  • The error of the AR model increases with \(h\), while the error of the ARX model decreases with \(h\).

Overfitting and Regularization

Too many predictors

  • What if we try to incorporate past information extensively by fitting a model with a very large number of predictors?

    • The estimated coefficients will be chosen to mimic the observed data very closely on the training set, leading to small training error

    • The predictive performance on the test set might be very poor, producing large split-sample and CV error



ARX model for COVID deaths with many predictors

  • When predicting COVID deaths 28 days ahead, we can try to use more past information by fitting a model that includes the past two months of COVID deaths and cases as predictors

\[\hat y_{t+28} = \hat\phi + \hat\phi_0 y_{t} + \hat\phi_1 y_{t-1} + \dots + \hat\phi_{59} y_{t-59} + \hat\beta_0 x_{t} + \dots + \hat\beta_{t-59} x_{t-59}\]

Preparing the data

y <- ca$deaths  #outcome
lags <- 28:87   #lags used for predictors (deaths and cases)

# Build predictor matrix with 60 columns
X <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(y), ncol = 2*length(lags)))
colnames(X) <- paste('X', 1:ncol(X), sep = '')

for (j in 1:length(lags)) {
  # first 60 columns contain deaths lagged by 28, 29, ..., 87
  X[, j] = dplyr::lag(ca$deaths, lags[j])
  # last 60 columns contain cases lagged by 28, 29, ..., 87
  X[, length(lags) + j] = dplyr::lag(ca$cases, lags[j])

Fitting the ARX model

# Train/test split
y_train <- y[1:t0]
X_train <- X[1:t0, ]
y_test <- y[(t0+1):length(y)]
X_test <- X[(t0+1):length(y), ]

# Fitting the ARX model
reg = lm(y_train ~ ., data = X_train)
  (Intercept)            X1            X2            X3            X4 
 0.2758283711  0.2457314327  0.2225988768 -0.4559613879 -0.4731427507 
           X5            X6            X7            X8            X9 
 0.4570192882 -0.0829030158  0.0087610368 -0.1277561418 -0.0930270533 
          X10           X11           X12           X13           X14 
 0.2880726732 -0.8396082213  0.5525681932 -0.6656058745 -0.1372663639 
          X15           X16           X17           X18           X19 
 0.2441111445 -0.5549887598 -0.1984910609 -0.4381802967  0.9748005886 
          X20           X21           X22           X23           X24 
-0.2252872009 -0.3603010052 -0.1484425645 -0.2629114744  0.6481906782 
          X25           X26           X27           X28           X29 
-0.4386397760  0.2287881141 -0.4141878941  0.1538387231  0.0016914281 
          X30           X31           X32           X33           X34 
-0.1675549452  0.1862035471 -0.7604163647  0.7661301939 -0.3567175136 
          X35           X36           X37           X38           X39 
-0.6461899753  0.2820547532  0.3658805915 -0.1036095025  0.3168098103 
          X40           X41           X42           X43           X44 
 0.4270049404 -0.3861653324  0.1887767107  0.2446997478  0.0406226039 
          X45           X46           X47           X48           X49 
 0.3290951846 -0.4657697117  0.1271299593  0.3931515677  0.2836116580 
          X50           X51           X52           X53           X54 
-0.3674019667 -0.4491442210  0.4524243063 -0.3428030503  0.4292019510 
          X55           X56           X57           X58           X59 
 0.4096633980 -0.5462527325  0.4501163940 -0.3929646040 -0.2112561496 
          X60           X61           X62           X63           X64 
-0.3326657892  0.0175419874 -0.0077855053 -0.0024976868  0.0014263572 
          X65           X66           X67           X68           X69 
-0.0048785301  0.0013524131 -0.0022148536  0.0065944994  0.0023437318 
          X70           X71           X72           X73           X74 
-0.0040292424  0.0136591034 -0.0086165459 -0.0059687437 -0.0069756592 
          X75           X76           X77           X78           X79 
 0.0145125287 -0.0021987656 -0.0018740932  0.0043662687  0.0019855230 
          X80           X81           X82           X83           X84 
 0.0005040760 -0.0021147396  0.0030569084 -0.0043404977 -0.0081888972 
          X85           X86           X87           X88           X89 
 0.0124142487 -0.0019007422 -0.0091802229  0.0090002190  0.0096226370 
          X90           X91           X92           X93           X94 
-0.0033216356 -0.0040088540  0.0006876339 -0.0152565542 -0.0112099615 
          X95           X96           X97           X98           X99 
 0.0289012311  0.0084111577 -0.0134474728  0.0083765726 -0.0089290862 
         X100          X101          X102          X103          X104 
 0.0069254713 -0.0178761659  0.0191826013  0.0011505708  0.0071752544 
         X105          X106          X107          X108          X109 
 0.0127445467 -0.0133315137 -0.0022960536 -0.0031951107  0.0102816246 
         X110          X111          X112          X113          X114 
-0.0028098154  0.0092476436 -0.0120237253 -0.0079725070  0.0194764427 
         X115          X116          X117          X118          X119 
-0.0170893902  0.0232396558 -0.0175601245  0.0002431107  0.0129597132 

Predictions on training and test set

pred_train <- predict(reg)                    #get training predictions
pred_test <- predict(reg, newdata = X_test)   #get test predictions
                    MAE      MASE
training     0.02888549  146.9367
split-sample 0.35664868 2352.3364


  • If we want to consider a large number of predictors, how can we avoid overfitting?

  • Idea: introduce a regularization parameter \(\lambda\) that shrinks or sets some of the estimated coefficients to zero, i.e. some predictors are estimated to have limited or no predictive power

  • Most common regularization methods

    • Ridge: shrinks coefficients to zero

    • Lasso: sets some coefficients to zero

Choosing \(\lambda\)

  • The regularization parameter \(\lambda\) can be selected by cross-validation:

    1. Select a sequence of \(\lambda\)’s

    2. Fit and predict for each such \(\lambda\)

    3. Select the \(\lambda\) that leads to smaller error

  • The R library glmnet implements ridge and lasso regression, and can perform step 1. automatically.

Fit ARX + ridge/lasso for COVID deaths

library(glmnet) # Implements ridge and lasso

# We'll need to omit NA values explicitly, as otherwise glmnet will complain
na_obs <- 1:max(lags)
X_train <- X_train[-na_obs, ]
y_train <- y_train[-na_obs]

# Ridge regression: set alpha = 0, lambda sequence will be chosen automatically
ridge <- glmnet(X_train, y_train, alpha = 0)
beta_ridge <- coef(ridge)       # matrix of estimated coefficients 
lambda_ridge <- ridge$lambda    # sequence of lambdas used to fit ridge 

# Lasso regression: set alpha = 1, lambda sequence will be chosen automatically
lasso <- glmnet(X_train, y_train, alpha = 1)
beta_lasso <- coef(lasso)       # matrix of estimated coefficients 
lambda_lasso <- lasso$lambda    # sequence of lambdas used to fit lasso 

dim(beta_lasso)      # One row per coefficient, one column per lambda value
[1] 121 100

Predictions on test set and selection of \(\lambda\)

# Predict values for second half of the time series
yhat_ridge <- predict(ridge, newx = as.matrix(X_test))
yhat_lasso <- predict(lasso, newx = as.matrix(X_test))

# Compute MAE 
mae_ridge <- colMeans(abs(yhat_ridge - y_test))
mae_lasso <- colMeans(abs(yhat_lasso - y_test))

# Select index of lambda vector which gives lowest MAE
min_ridge <- which.min(mae_ridge)
min_lasso <- which.min(mae_lasso)
paste('Best MAE ridge:', round(min(mae_ridge), 3),
      '; Best MAE lasso:', round(min(mae_lasso), 3))
[1] "Best MAE ridge: 0.196 ; Best MAE lasso: 0.092"
# Get predictions for train and test sets
pred_train_ridge <- predict(ridge, newx = as.matrix(X_train))[, min_ridge] 
pred_test_ridge <- yhat_ridge[, min_ridge]
pred_train_lasso <- predict(lasso, newx = as.matrix(X_train))[, min_lasso] 
pred_test_lasso <- yhat_lasso[, min_lasso]

Estimated coefficients: shrinkage vs sparsity

                    ridge         lasso
(Intercept)  4.112256e-01  0.1027530670
X1           5.497463e-03  0.0000000000
X2           5.443749e-03  0.0000000000
X3           5.385490e-03  0.0000000000
X4           5.313227e-03  0.0000000000
X5           5.258979e-03  0.0000000000
X6           5.188803e-03  0.0000000000
X7           5.139054e-03  0.0000000000
X8           5.076501e-03  0.0000000000
X9           4.981253e-03  0.0000000000
X10          4.886178e-03  0.0000000000
X11          4.809706e-03  0.0000000000
X12          4.729025e-03  0.0000000000
X13          4.667905e-03  0.0000000000
X14          4.583550e-03  0.0000000000
X15          4.499529e-03  0.0000000000
X16          4.448547e-03  0.0000000000
X17          4.397032e-03  0.0000000000
X18          4.368272e-03  0.0000000000
X19          4.316661e-03  0.0000000000
X20          4.249886e-03  0.0000000000
X21          4.183664e-03  0.0000000000
X22          4.127680e-03  0.0000000000
X23          4.050602e-03  0.0000000000
X24          3.988909e-03  0.0000000000
X25          3.822127e-03  0.0000000000
X26          3.584918e-03  0.0000000000
X27          3.283302e-03  0.0000000000
X28          2.888911e-03  0.0000000000
X29          2.415738e-03  0.0000000000
X30          1.824392e-03  0.0000000000
X31          1.152044e-03  0.0000000000
X32          3.881764e-04  0.0000000000
X33         -4.546563e-04  0.0000000000
X34         -1.293969e-03  0.0000000000
X35         -2.117525e-03  0.0000000000
X36         -2.801391e-03  0.0000000000
X37         -3.394630e-03  0.0000000000
X38         -4.006729e-03  0.0000000000
X39         -4.662078e-03  0.0000000000
X40         -5.354854e-03  0.0000000000
X41         -6.265590e-03  0.0000000000
X42         -7.230297e-03  0.0000000000
X43         -8.508468e-03  0.0000000000
X44         -9.918750e-03  0.0000000000
X45         -1.149602e-02  0.0000000000
X46         -1.319458e-02  0.0000000000
X47         -1.481247e-02  0.0000000000
X48         -1.630315e-02  0.0000000000
X49         -1.753316e-02  0.0000000000
X50         -1.813929e-02  0.0000000000
X51         -1.857362e-02  0.0000000000
X52         -1.893093e-02  0.0000000000
X53         -1.933053e-02  0.0000000000
X54         -1.957672e-02  0.0000000000
X55         -1.975165e-02  0.0000000000
X56         -2.012127e-02  0.0000000000
X57         -2.030953e-02  0.0000000000
X58         -2.037081e-02  0.0000000000
X59         -2.021378e-02  0.0000000000
X60         -1.976317e-02 -0.0345707637
X61          8.242683e-05  0.0095304559
X62          8.132113e-05  0.0000000000
X63          8.018020e-05  0.0000000000
X64          7.901220e-05  0.0000000000
X65          7.779561e-05  0.0000000000
X66          7.664052e-05  0.0000000000
X67          7.551905e-05  0.0000000000
X68          7.444242e-05  0.0000000000
X69          7.340449e-05  0.0000000000
X70          7.236918e-05  0.0000000000
X71          7.136972e-05  0.0000000000
X72          7.037117e-05  0.0000000000
X73          6.943229e-05  0.0000000000
X74          6.860455e-05  0.0000000000
X75          6.787924e-05  0.0000000000
X76          6.722652e-05  0.0015360023
X77          6.661688e-05  0.0000000000
X78          6.601493e-05  0.0000000000
X79          6.545565e-05  0.0000000000
X80          6.496923e-05  0.0000000000
X81          6.451692e-05  0.0000000000
X82          6.407003e-05  0.0000000000
X83          6.345530e-05  0.0000000000
X84          6.276881e-05  0.0000000000
X85          6.192521e-05  0.0000000000
X86          6.101792e-05  0.0000000000
X87          6.003796e-05  0.0000000000
X88          5.900856e-05  0.0000000000
X89          5.766256e-05  0.0000000000
X90          5.640154e-05  0.0000000000
X91          5.521221e-05  0.0000000000
X92          5.410753e-05  0.0000000000
X93          5.310748e-05  0.0000000000
X94          5.191454e-05  0.0000000000
X95          5.078166e-05  0.0000000000
X96          4.995013e-05  0.0000000000
X97          4.934901e-05  0.0000000000
X98          4.892197e-05  0.0000000000
X99          4.863106e-05  0.0000000000
X100         4.829392e-05  0.0000000000
X101         4.816553e-05  0.0000000000
X102         4.810093e-05  0.0000000000
X103         4.841180e-05  0.0000000000
X104         4.912355e-05  0.0005895771
X105         4.985320e-05  0.0000000000
X106         5.066950e-05  0.0000000000
X107         5.150530e-05  0.0000000000
X108         5.258211e-05  0.0000000000
X109         5.387059e-05  0.0000000000
X110         5.451414e-05  0.0000000000
X111         5.443739e-05  0.0000000000
X112         5.410652e-05  0.0000000000
X113         5.355103e-05  0.0000000000
X114         5.275985e-05  0.0000000000
X115         5.111364e-05  0.0000000000
X116         4.828218e-05  0.0000000000
X117         4.455698e-05  0.0000000000
X118         4.029228e-05  0.0000000000
X119         3.539927e-05  0.0000000000
X120         3.020232e-05  0.0000000000

Predictions: ARX + ridge/lasso (train and test set)

                          MAE      MASE
ridge training     0.25271764 1285.5412
ridge split-sample 0.19616116 1293.8139
lasso training     0.06984086  355.2712
lasso split-sample 0.09163079  604.3663

Time-series CV for ARX + ridge/lasso (trailing)

h <- 28  # number of days ahead 
w <- 200 # window length

# Initialize matrices for predictions (one column per lambda value)
yhat_ridge <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(lambda_ridge), nrow = n-h-t0+1) 
yhat_lasso <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(lambda_lasso), nrow = n-h-t0+1) 

for (t in t0:(n-h)) {
  # Indices of data within window
  inds = t-w < 1:n & 1:n <= t
  # Fit ARX + ridge/lasso
  ridge_trail = glmnet(X[inds, ], y[inds], alpha = 0, lambda = lambda_ridge)
  lasso_trail = glmnet(X[inds, ], y[inds], alpha = 1, lambda = lambda_lasso)
  # Predict
  yhat_ridge[t-t0+1, ] = predict(ridge_trail, newx = as.matrix(X[(t+h), ]))
  yhat_lasso[t-t0+1, ] = predict(lasso_trail, newx = as.matrix(X[(t+h), ]))

# MAE values for each lambda
mae_ridge <- colMeans(abs(yhat_ridge - y_test[-c(1:(k-1))]))
mae_lasso <- colMeans(abs(yhat_lasso - y_test[-c(1:(k-1))]))

# Select lambda that minimizes MAE and save corresponding predictions
min_ridge <- which.min(mae_ridge)
min_lasso <- which.min(mae_lasso)
pred_cv_ridge <- yhat_ridge[, min_ridge]
pred_cv_lasso <- yhat_lasso[, min_lasso]

paste('Best MAE ridge:', round(min(mae_ridge), 3))
[1] "Best MAE ridge: 0.12"
paste('Best MAE lasso:', round(min(mae_lasso), 3))
[1] "Best MAE lasso: 0.062"

Predictions: time-series CV for ARX + ridge/lasso (trailing)

                           MAE     MASE
ridge CV + trailing 0.11964733 976.7255
lasso CV + trailing 0.06243937 509.7157

Prediction Intervals

Point predictions vs intervals

  • So far, we have only considered point predictions, i.e.  we have fitted models to provide our best guess on the outcome at time \(t+h\).


What if we want to provide a measure of uncertainty around the point prediction or a likely range of values for the outcome at time \(t+h\)?

  • For each target time \(t+h\), we can construct prediction intervals, i.e. provide ranges of values that are expected to cover the true outcome value a fixed fraction of times.

Prediction intervals for lm fits

  • To get prediction intervals for the models we previously fitted, we only need to tweak our call to predict by adding as an input:

    interval = "prediction", level = p

    where \(p \in (0, 1)\) is the desired coverage.

  • The output from predict will then be a matrix with

    • first column a point estimate

    • second column the lower limit of the interval

    • third column the upper limit of the interval

Prediction intervals for ARX (test)

pred_test_ci <- predict(arx_fit, 
                        newdata = test, 
                        interval = "prediction", 
                        level = 0.95)

        fit       lwr       upr
1 0.7093207 0.5286159 0.8900255
2 0.6908382 0.5104118 0.8712647
3 0.6768019 0.4955346 0.8580692
4 0.6527938 0.4714708 0.8341169
5 0.6276180 0.4468436 0.8083924
6 0.6062234 0.4255984 0.7868483

Prediction intervals for ARX (CV, trailing window)

Quantile regression

  • So far we only considered different ways to apply linear regression.

  • Quantile regression is a different estimation method, and it directly targets conditional quantiles of the outcome over time.


Conditional quantile = value below which a given percentage (e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%) of observations fall, given specific values of the predictor variables.

  • Advantage: it provides a more complete picture of the outcome distribution.

ARX model for COVID deaths via quantile regression

library(quantreg)  #library to perform quantile regression

# Set quantiles of interest: we will focus on 2.5%, 50% (i.e. median), and 97.5% quantiles
quantiles <- c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)  

# Fit quantile regression on training set
q_reg <- rq(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases, data = train, tau = quantiles)

# Estimated coefficients
               tau= 0.025  tau= 0.500 tau= 0.975
(Intercept)   0.021903320  0.10599167 0.12247490
lagged_deaths 0.037881788 -0.08804903 0.26866227
lagged_cases  0.009539598  0.01167695 0.01301036

Predictions via quantile regression (CV, trailing)

# Initialize matrix to store predictions 
# 3 columns: lower limit, median, and upper limit
pred_trailing <- matrix(NA, nrow = n-h-t0+1, ncol = 3)
colnames(pred_trailing) <- c('lower', 'median', 'upper')

for (t in t0:(n-h)) {
  # Fit quantile regression
  rq_trailing = rq(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases, tau = quantiles,
                   data = ca, subset = (1:n) <= t & (1:n) > (t-w)) 
  # Predict
  pred_trailing[t-t0+1, ] = predict(rq_trailing, newdata = data.frame(ca[t+h, ]))

Predictions via quantile regression (CV, trailing)

Actual Coverage

  • We would expect the ARX model fitted via lm and via rq to cover the truth about 95% of the times. Is this actually true in practice?

  • The actual coverage of each predictive interval is

         lm.trailing rq.trailing
Coverage   0.9749104   0.8566308
  • Notice that the coverage of lm is close to 95%, while rq has lower coverage.


  • Prediction intervals are “good” if they

    • cover the truth most of the time

    • are not too wide

  • Error metric that captures both desiderata: Weighted Interval Score (WIS)

  • \(F\) = forecast composed of predicted quantiles \(q_{\tau}\) for the set of quantile levels \(\tau\). The WIS for target variable \(Y\) is represented as (McDonald et al., 2021):

\[WIS(F, Y) = 2\sum_{\tau} \phi_{\tau} (Y - q_{\tau})\]

where \(\phi_{\tau}(x) = \tau |x|\) for \(x \geq 0\) and \(\phi_{\tau}(x) = (1-\tau) |x|\) for \(x < 0\).

Computing the WIS

WIS <- function(truth, estimates, quantiles) {
  2 * sum(pmax(
    quantiles * (truth - estimates),
    (1 - quantiles) * (estimates - truth),
    na.rm = TRUE


WIS tends to prioritize sharpness (how wide the interval is) relative to coverage (if the interval contains the truth).

WIS for ARX fitted via lm and rq

  • The lowest mean WIS is attained by quantile regression.

  • Notice: this method has coverage below 95% but is still preferred under WIS because its intervals are narrower than for linear regression.

  Mean WIS lm Mean WIS rq
1  0.06534014  0.05733309

Forecasting with Versioned Data

Versioned data

  • In our forecasting examples, we have assumed the data are never revised (or have simply ignored revisions, and used data as_of today)


How can we train forecasters when dealing with versioned data?

→ An `epi_archive` object, with metadata:
ℹ Min/max time values: 2020-04-01 / 2021-12-31
ℹ First/last version with update: 2020-04-02 / 2022-01-01
ℹ Versions end: 2022-01-01
ℹ A preview of the table (93566 rows x 5 columns):
       geo_value time_value    version case_rate death_rate
    1:        ak 2020-04-01 2020-04-02  1.797489          0
    2:        ak 2020-04-01 2020-05-07  1.777061          0
    3:        ak 2020-04-01 2020-10-28  1.106147          0
    4:        ak 2020-04-01 2020-10-29  1.797489          0
    5:        ak 2020-04-01 2020-10-30  1.797489          0
93562:        wy 2021-12-27 2021-12-28 65.598769          0
93563:        wy 2021-12-28 2021-12-29 50.315286          0
93564:        wy 2021-12-29 2021-12-30 55.810471          0
93565:        wy 2021-12-30 2021-12-31 68.002912          0
93566:        wy 2021-12-31 2022-01-01  0.000000          0

Version-aware forecasting

# initialize dataframe for predictions
# 5 columns: forecast date, target date, 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% quantiles
pred_trailing <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 5, nrow = 0))
colnames(pred_trailing) <- c("forecast_date", "target_date", 'tau..0.025', 'tau..0.500', 'tau..0.975')

w <- 200         #trailing window size
h <- 28          #number of days ahead

# dates when predictions are made (set to be 1 month apart)
fc_time_values <- seq(from = t0_date, to = as.Date("2021-12-31"), by = "1 month")

for (fc_date in fc_time_values) {
  # get data version as_of forecast date
  data <- epix_as_of(ca_archive, max_version = as.Date(fc_date))
  # create lagged predictors
  data$lagged_deaths <- dplyr::lag(data$deaths, h) 
  data$lagged_cases <- dplyr::lag(data$cases, h)
  # perform quantile regression
  rq_trailing <- rq(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases, tau = quantiles, 
                    # only consider window of data
                    data = data %>% filter(time_value > (max(time_value) - w))) 
  # construct data.frame with the right predictors for the target date
  predictors <- data.frame(lagged_deaths = tail(data$deaths, 1), 
                           lagged_cases = tail(data$cases, 1))
  # make predictions for target date and add them to matrix of predictions
  pred_trailing <- rbind(pred_trailing, 
                         data.frame('forecast_date' = max(data$time_value),
                                    'target_date' = max(data$time_value) + h, 
                                    predict(rq_trailing, newdata = predictors)))

Version-aware predictions (CV, trailing)

Modeling Multiple Time Series

Using geo information

  • Assume we observe data over time from multiple locations (e.g. states or counties).

  • We could

    • Estimate coefficients separately for each location (as we have done so far).

    • Fit one model using all locations together at each time point (geo-pooling). Estimated coefficients will not be location specific.

    • Estimate coefficients separately for each location, but include predictors capturing averages across locations (partial geo-pooling).

Geo-pooling (trailing window)

usa_archive <- data_archive$DT %>% 

# initialize dataframe for predictions
# 6 columns: geo value, forecast date, target date, 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% quantiles
pred_trailing <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = 0))
colnames(pred_trailing) <- c('geo_value', 'forecast_date', 'target_date',
                             'tau..0.025', 'tau..0.500', 'tau..0.975')

w <- 200         #trailing window size
h <- 28          #number of days ahead

for (fc_date in fc_time_values) {
  # get data version as_of forecast date
  data <- epix_as_of(usa_archive, max_version = as.Date(fc_date))
  # create lagged predictors for each state 
  data <- data %>%
    arrange(geo_value, time_value) %>%  
    group_by(geo_value) %>%
    mutate(lagged_deaths = dplyr::lag(deaths, h),
           lagged_cases = dplyr::lag(cases, h)) %>%
  # perform quantile regression
  rq_trailing <- rq(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases, tau = quantiles, 
                    # only consider window of data
                    data = data %>% filter(time_value > (max(time_value) - w))) 
  # construct dataframe with the right predictors for the target date
  new_lagged_deaths <- data %>% 
    filter(time_value == max(time_value)) %>%
    select(geo_value, deaths)
  new_lagged_cases <- data %>% 
    filter(time_value == max(time_value)) %>%
    select(geo_value, cases)
  predictors <- new_lagged_deaths %>%
    inner_join(new_lagged_cases, join_by(geo_value)) %>%
    rename(lagged_deaths = deaths,
           lagged_cases = cases)
  # make predictions for target date and add them to matrix of predictions
  pred_trailing <- rbind(pred_trailing, 
                           'geo_value' = predictors$geo_value,
                           'forecast_date' = max(data$time_value),
                           'target_date' = max(data$time_value) + h, 
                           predict(rq_trailing, newdata = predictors)))

# geo-pooled predictions for California
pred_ca <- pred_trailing %>%
  filter(geo_value == 'ca') %>%
  rename(median = `tau..0.500`,
         lower = `tau..0.025`,
         upper = `tau..0.975`) %>%
  full_join(ca %>% select(time_value, deaths), join_by(target_date == time_value)) %>%

Geo-pooled predictions for California

Partial geo-pooling (trailing window)

# initialize dataframe for predictions
# 6 columns: geo value, forecast date, target date, 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% quantiles
pred_trailing <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = 0))
colnames(pred_trailing) <- c('geo_value', 'forecast_date', 'target_date',
                             'tau..0.025', 'tau..0.500', 'tau..0.975')

w <- 200         #trailing window size
h <- 28          #number of days ahead

for (fc_date in fc_time_values) {
  # get data version as_of forecast date
  data <- epix_as_of(usa_archive, max_version = as.Date(fc_date))
  # create lagged predictors 
  data <- data %>%
    arrange(geo_value, time_value) %>%  
    group_by(geo_value) %>%
    mutate(lagged_deaths = dplyr::lag(deaths, h),
           lagged_cases = dplyr::lag(cases, h)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(time_value) %>%
    mutate(avg_lagged_deaths = mean(lagged_deaths, na.rm = T),
           avg_lagged_cases = mean(lagged_cases, na.rm = T)) %>%
  # perform quantile regression
  rq_trailing <- rq(deaths ~ lagged_deaths + lagged_cases + avg_lagged_deaths +
                      avg_lagged_cases, tau = quantiles, 
                    data = (data %>% filter(geo_value == 'ca'))) 
  # construct data.frame with the right predictors for the target date
  new_lagged_deaths <- data %>% 
    filter(time_value == max(time_value)) %>%
    select(geo_value, deaths) %>%
    mutate(avg_lagged_deaths = mean(deaths, na.rm = T)) %>%
    filter(geo_value == 'ca')
  new_lagged_cases <- data %>% 
    filter(time_value == max(time_value)) %>%
    select(geo_value, cases) %>%
    mutate(avg_lagged_cases = mean(cases, na.rm = T)) %>%
    filter(geo_value == 'ca')
  predictors <- new_lagged_deaths %>%
    inner_join(new_lagged_cases, join_by(geo_value)) %>%
    rename(lagged_deaths = deaths,
           lagged_cases = cases)
  # make predictions for target date and add them to matrix of predictions
  pred_trailing <- rbind(pred_trailing, 
                           'geo_value' = predictors$geo_value,
                           'forecast_date' = max(data$time_value),
                           'target_date' = max(data$time_value) + h, 
                           predict(rq_trailing, newdata = predictors)))

# partially geo-pooled predictions for California
pred_ca <- pred_trailing %>%
  filter(geo_value == 'ca') %>%
  rename(median = `tau..0.500`,
         lower = `tau..0.025`,
         upper = `tau..0.975`) %>%
  full_join(ca %>% select(time_value, deaths), join_by(target_date == time_value)) %>%

Partially geo-pooled predictions for California

Final slide


  • The whole CMU Delphi Team (across many institutions)
  • Optum/UnitedHealthcare, Change Healthcare.
  • Google, Facebook, Amazon Web Services.
  • Quidel, SafeGraph, Qualtrics.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists