9  Inner workings of the framework

Underneath the hood, the arx_forecaster() (and all our canned forecasters) creates (and returns) an epi_workflow. Essentially, this is a big S3 object that wraps up the 4 modular steps (preprocessing - postprocessing) described in the last chapter.

  1. Preprocessor: make transformations to the data before model training
  2. Trainer: train a model on data, resulting in a fitted model object
  3. Predictor: make predictions, using a fitted model object and processed test data
  4. Postprocessor: manipulate or transform the predictions before returning

Let’s investigate how these interact with {tidymodels} and why it’s important to think of forecasting this way. To have something to play with, we’ll continue to examine the data and an estimated canned corecaster.

jhu <- case_death_rate_subset %>%
  filter(time_value >= max(time_value) - 30)

out_gb <- arx_forecaster(
  jhu, "death_rate", c("case_rate", "death_rate"),
  boost_tree(mode = "regression", trees = 20)

9.1 Preprocessing

Preprocessing is accomplished through a recipe (imagine baking a cake) as provided in the {recipes} package. We’ve made a few modifications (to handle panel data) as well as added some additional options. The recipe gives a specification of how to handle training data. Think of it like a fancified formula that you would pass to lm(): y ~ x1 + log(x2). In general, there are 2 extensions to the formula that {recipes} handles:

  1. Doing transformations of both training and test data that can always be applied. These are things like taking the log of a variable, leading or lagging, filtering out rows, handling dummy variables, etc.
  2. Using statistics from the training data to eventually process test data. This is a major benefit of {recipes}. It prevents what the tidy team calls “data leakage”. A simple example is centering a predictor by its mean. We need to store the mean of the predictor from the training data and use that value on the test data rather than accidentally calculating the mean of the test predictor for centering.

A recipe is processed in 2 steps, first it is “prepped”. This calculates and stores any intermediate statistics necessary for use on the test data. Then it is “baked” resulting in training data ready for passing into a statistical model (like lm).

We have introduced an epi_recipe. It’s just a recipe that knows how to handle the time_value, geo_value, and any additional keys so that these are available when necessary.

The epi_recipe from out_gb can be extracted from the result:

#> ── Epi Recipe ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs 
#> Number of variables by role
#> raw:        2
#> geo_value:  1
#> time_value: 1
#> ── Training information 
#> Training data contained 1736 data points and no incomplete rows.
#> ── Operations 
#> 1. Lagging: case_rate by 0, 7, 14 | Trained
#> 2. Lagging: death_rate by 0, 7, 14 | Trained
#> 3. Leading: death_rate by 7 | Trained
#> 4. • Removing rows with NA values in: lag_0_case_rate, ... | Trained
#> 5. • Removing rows with NA values in: ahead_7_death_rate | Trained
#> 6. • # of recent observations per key limited to:: Inf | Trained

The “Inputs” are the original epi_df and the “roles” that these are assigned. None of these are predictors or outcomes. Those will be created by the recipe when it is prepped. The “Operations” are the sequence of instructions to create the cake (baked training data). Here we create lagged predictors, lead the outcome, and then remove NAs. Some models like lm internally handle NAs, but not everything does, so we deal with them explicitly. The code to do this (inside the forecaster) is

er <- epi_recipe(jhu) %>%
  step_epi_lag(case_rate, death_rate, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) %>%
  step_epi_ahead(death_rate, ahead = 7) %>%

While {recipes} provides a function step_lag(), it assumes that the data have no breaks in the sequence of time_values. This is a bit dangerous, so we avoid that behaviour. Our lag/ahead functions also appropriately adjust the amount of data to avoid accidentally dropping recent predictors from the test data.

9.2 The model specification

Users familiar with the {parsnip} package will have no trouble here. Basically, {parsnip} unifies the function signature across statistical models. For example, lm() “likes” to work with formulas, but glmnet::glmnet() uses x and y for predictors and response. {parsnip} is agnostic. Both of these do “linear regression”. Above we switched from lm() to xgboost() without any issue despite the fact that these functions couldn’t be more different.

  formula, data, subset, weights, na.action,
  method = "qr",
  model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE,
  contrasts = NULL, offset, ...

  data = NULL, label = NULL, missing = NA, weight = NULL,
  params = list(), nrounds, verbose = 1, print_every_n = 1L,
  early_stopping_rounds = NULL, maximize = NULL, save_period = NULL,
  save_name = "xgboost.model", xgb_model = NULL, callbacks = list(),

{epipredict} provides a few engines/modules like flatline() and quantile_reg() to power the flatline_forecaster() and provide quantile regression, but you should be able to use almost any available models listed here.

To estimate (fit) a preprocessed model, one calls fit() on the epi_workflow.

ewf <- epi_workflow(er, linear_reg()) %>% fit(jhu)

9.3 Predicting and Postprocessing (bound together)

To stretch the metaphor of preparing a cake to its natural limits, we have created postprocessing functionality called “frosting”. Much like the recipe, each postprocessing operation is a “layer” and we “slather” these onto our baked cake. To fix ideas, below is the postprocessing frosting for arx_forecaster()

#> ── Frosting ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Layers 
#> 1. Creating predictions: "<calculated>"
#> 2. Resampling residuals for predictive quantiles: "<calculated>"
#> quantile_levels 0.05, 0.95
#> 3. Adding forecast date: "2021-12-31"
#> 4. Adding target date: "2022-01-07"
#> 5. Thresholding predictions: dplyr::starts_with(".pred") to [0, Inf)

Here we have 5 layers of frosting. The first generates the forecasts from the test data. The second uses quantiles of the residuals to create distributional forecasts. The next two add columns for the date the forecast was made and the date for which it is intended to occur. Because we are predicting rates, they should be non-negative, so the last layer thresholds both predicted values and intervals at 0. The code to do this (inside the forecaster) is

f <- frosting() %>%
  layer_predict() %>%
    quantile_levels = c(.01, .025, seq(.05, .95, by = .05), .975, .99),
    symmetrize = TRUE
  ) %>%
  layer_add_forecast_date() %>%
  layer_add_target_date() %>%

At predict time, we add this object onto the epi_workflow and call predict()

test_data <- get_test_data(er, jhu)
ewf %>%
  add_frosting(f) %>%
#> An `epi_df` object, 56 x 6 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2022-05-31 12:08:25
#> # A tibble: 56 × 6
#>   geo_value time_value  .pred         .pred_distn forecast_date target_date
#> * <chr>     <date>      <dbl>              <dist> <date>        <date>     
#> 1 ak        2021-12-31 0.355  quantiles(0.36)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 2 al        2021-12-31 0.325  quantiles(0.32)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 3 ar        2021-12-31 0.496   quantiles(0.5)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 4 as        2021-12-31 0.0836 quantiles(0.08)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 5 az        2021-12-31 0.614  quantiles(0.61)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 6 ca        2021-12-31 0.327  quantiles(0.33)[23] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> # ℹ 50 more rows

The above get_test_data() function examines the recipe and ensures that enough test data is available to create the necessary lags and produce a prediction for the desired future time point (after the end of the training data). This mimics what would happen if jhu contained the most recent available historical data and we wanted to actually predict the future. We could have instead used any test data that contained the necessary predictors.


In the predictions above, you’ll see a time_value column. That’s because we could use any training data. We happened to use training data corresponding to the most recent available, and it’s lags. But we could have instead used last week’s or we could use the data that arrives next year, or we could use multiple time_values for multiple locations. This is completely allowed, though not necessarily what you expect.

In production forecasting, you’d probably reestimate the model and produce new predictions whenever new data arrives. This is exactly what all the canned forecasters we provide do. So those strip out the time_value column.

But the next most likely procedure would be to feed your previously estimated model (without refitting) the new data. To do this, you’d just call get_test_data() on that new data. And the time_value would still be the same as your forecast_date.

Getting many forecasts (multiple time_values) for each location, is not exactly a typical desire in this context. But it’s also not unheard of, so it is possible (and analogous to standard, non-time series forecasting).

9.4 Conclusion

Internally, we provide some canned forecaster functions to create reasonable forecasts. But ideally, a user could create their own forecasters by building up the components we provide. In other chapters, we try to walk through some of these customizations.

To illustrate everything above, here is (roughly) the code for the arx_forecaster() to predict the death rate, 1 week ahead:

r <- epi_recipe(jhu) %>%
  step_epi_ahead(death_rate, ahead = 7) %>%
  step_epi_lag(case_rate, death_rate, lag = c(0, 7, 14)) %>%

latest <- get_test_data(r, jhu)

f <- frosting() %>%
  layer_predict() %>%
  layer_residual_quantiles() %>%
  layer_add_forecast_date() %>%
  layer_add_target_date() %>%

eng <- linear_reg()
wf <- epi_workflow(r, eng, f) %>% fit(jhu)
preds <- predict(wf, latest)

The code for arx_forecaster() simply generalizes this, passing along arguments as needed.

#> An `epi_df` object, 56 x 6 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2022-05-31 12:08:25
#> # A tibble: 56 × 6
#>   geo_value time_value  .pred        .pred_distn forecast_date target_date
#> * <chr>     <date>      <dbl>             <dist> <date>        <date>     
#> 1 ak        2021-12-31 0.355  quantiles(0.36)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 2 al        2021-12-31 0.325  quantiles(0.32)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 3 ar        2021-12-31 0.496   quantiles(0.5)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 4 as        2021-12-31 0.0836  quantiles(0.2)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 5 az        2021-12-31 0.614  quantiles(0.61)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> 6 ca        2021-12-31 0.327  quantiles(0.33)[2] 2021-12-31    2022-01-07 
#> # ℹ 50 more rows