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epidatr 1.2.1


epidatr 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-20


  • Improve handling of the EPIDATR_USE_CACHE environment variable, allowing it to be any value convertable by as.logical() and handle the case when it can’t be converted.
  • Support more date formats in function to convert dates to epiweeks. Use parse_api_date since it already supports both common formats. #276
  • EPIDATR_USE_CACHE only supported exactly “TRUE” before. Now it supports all logical values and includes a warning when any value that can’t be converted to logical is provided. #273
  • missing doesn’t count default values as non-missing. If a user doesn’t pass geo_values or time_values (both of which default to "*" in pub_covidcast), or dates (in pub_covid_hosp_state_timeseries), the missing check fails. To avoid this, just don’t check missingness of those two arguments.
  • fetch_args_list now has an refresh_cache argument, which is FALSE by default.

epidatr 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-03-04




  • Fix failure when passing as_of values in Date format to pub_covidcast while caching is enabled (#259).
  • For pub_covidcast data source nchs-mortality, parse dates as epiweek and expect epiweek inputs from user (#260).
  • Fix failure in pub_covidcast when user doesn’t pass geo_values or time_values, even though those arguments have defaults (#268).

epidatr 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-29


  • pub_covid_hosp_state_timeseries now supports use of the as_of parameter (#209).
  • release_date and latest_update fields are now parsed as Date, rather than as text. This change impacts several endpoints.
  • get_auth_key renamed to get_api_key (#181).
  • get_api_key no longer reads from R options and only uses environment variables (#217).
  • pvt_twitter and pub_wiki now use time_type and time_values args instead of mutually exclusive dates and epiweeks (#236). This matches the interface of the pub_covidcast endpoint.
  • Updated the default timeout_seconds to 15 minutes to allow large queries by default.


  • Function reference now displays commonly-used functions first (#205).
  • Support Date objects passed to version arguments as_of and issues in endpoints (#192, #194).
  • clear_cache now handles positional arguments just like set_cache (#197).
  • set_api_key now available to help persist API key environment variables (#181, #217).
  • All endpoints now support the use of “*” as a wildcard to fetch all dates or epiweeks (#234).


  • Endpoints now fail when passed misspelled arguments (#187, #201).
  • pub_fluview_meta fixed to fetch the response automatically.
  • pub_covid_hosp_state_timeseries now correctly parses the issue field, instead of returning a missing value (#202).
  • In pub_fluview_meta, latest_issue field is now parsed as epiweek, rather than being parsed as Date and returning a missing value.
  • set_cache cache size no longer runs into integer overflow (#189).
  • Improve line-wrapping of warning messages (#191).
  • Fix documentation related to CRAN submission.
  • Fix some errors from passing “” as a key.
  • Fixed bug with NAs when parsing ints (#243).

epidatr 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-19

  • Add set_cache and other caching functions.
  • Prefix all non-private endpoints with pub_.
  • Update printing of avail_endpoints to be more readable.
  • Update printing of covidcast_epidata() to be more readable.
  • Update landing docs to be more friendly, add plots.

epidatr 0.9.0

  • Major interface change: all endpoints now fetch by default.
  • Make all fetch function internal.
  • Change fetch and fetch_* function interfaces now rely on fetch_args_list.
  • Added fetch_args_list which returns a list of arguments to be passed to fetch.

epidatr 0.8.0

  • Fix source name duplication bug in covidcast_epidata.
  • Mark covidcast_epidata as experimental and do not export it.
  • Change covidcast arg data_source to source.
  • Make covidcast args issues, lag, and as_of mutually exclusive.
  • Make covid_hosp_facility_lookup args state, ccn, city, zip, and fips_code mutually exclusive.
  • Update documentation to only refer to character or strings (not character vectors or character strings).

epidatr 0.7.1

  • Update for better onboarding.
  • Consolidate the vignettes into one. Clean up the code, do not eval most examples.

epidatr 0.7.0

  • Remove temporary code for API key transition.
  • Add timeout_seconds and return_empty arguments to fetch().

epidatr 0.6.0

  • The fetch_{tbl,classic,df,json,csv} functions have been replaced by the fetch() function, which almost always returns a tibble, except when used with a limited number of older endpoints (such as delphi() and meta()), where it will output a nested list structure.

epidatr 0.5.0

  • The package that this installs is being renamed from delphi.epidata to epidatr. To migrate, run the installation command above, followed by remove.packages("delphi.epidata"), and adjust all references to the package name accordingly.