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By default, epidatr re-requests data from the API on every call of fetch. In case you find yourself repeatedly calling the same data, you can enable the cache using either this function for a given session, or environmental variables for a persistent cache. The typical recommended workflow for using the cache is to set the environmental variables EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=TRUE and EPIDATR_CACHE_DIRECTORY="/your/directory/here"in your .Renviron, for example by calling usethis::edit_r_environ(). See the parameters below for some more configurables if you're so inclined.

set_cache (re)defines the cache to use in a particular R session. This does not clear existing data at any previous location, but instead creates a handle to the new cache using cachem that seamlessly handles caching for you. Say your cache is normally stored in some default directory, but for the current session you want to save your results in ~/my/temporary/savedirectory, then you would call set_cache(dir = "~/my/temporary/savedirectory"). Or if you know the data from 2 days ago is wrong, you could call set_cache(days = 1) to clear older data whenever the cache is referenced. In both cases, these changes would only last for a single session (though the deleted data would be gone permanently!).

An important feature of the caching in this package is that only calls which specify either issues before a certain date, or as_of before a certain date will actually cache. For example the call

  source = "jhu-csse",
  signals = "confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop",
  geo_type = "state",
  time_type = "day",
  geo_values = "ca,fl",
  time_values = epirange(20200601, 20230801)

won't cache, since it is possible for the cache to be invalidated by new releases with no warning. On the other hand, the call

  source = "jhu-csse",
  signals = "confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop",
  geo_type = "state",
  time_type = "day",
  geo_values = "ca,fl",
  time_values = epirange(20200601, 20230801),
  as_of = "2023-08-01"

will cache, since normal new versions of data can't invalidate it (since they would be as_of a later date). It is still possible that Delphi may patch such data, but the frequency is on the order of months rather than days. We are working on creating a public channel to communicate such updates. While specifying issues will usually cache, a call with issues="*" won't cache, since its subject to cache invalidation by normal versioning.

On the backend, the cache uses cachem, with filenames generated using an md5 encoding of the call url. Each file corresponds to a unique epidata-API call.


  cache_dir = NULL,
  days = NULL,
  max_size = NULL,
  logfile = NULL,
  confirm = TRUE,
  startup = FALSE



the directory in which the cache is stored. By default, this is rappdirs::user_cache_dir("R", version = "epidatr"). The path can be either relative or absolute. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_DIR.


the maximum length of time in days to keep any particular cached call. By default this is 1. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_AGE_DAYS.


the size of the entire cache, in MB, at which to start pruning entries. By default this is 1024, or 1GB. The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_MB.


where cachem's log of transactions is stored, relative to the cache directory. By default, it is "logfile.txt". The environmental variable is EPIDATR_CACHE_LOGFILE.


whether to confirm directory creation. default is TRUE; should only be set in non-interactive scripts


indicates whether the function is being called on startup. Affects suppressability of the messages. Default is FALSE.


NULL no return value, all effects are stored in the package environment

See also

clear_cache to delete the old cache while making a new one, disable_cache to disable without deleting, and cache_info


  cache_dir = tempdir(),
  days = 14,
  max_size = 512,
  logfile = "logs.txt"
#> ! epidatr cache is being used (set env var EPIDATR_USE_CACHE=FALSE if not
#>   intended).
#>  The cache directory is /tmp/RtmpDzzRnv.
#>  The cache will be cleared after 14 days and will be pruned if it exceeds 512
#>   MB.
#>  The log of cache transactions is stored at /tmp/RtmpDzzRnv/logs.txt.