Compute observed coverage from a quantile forecaster

  geo_type = c("county", "hrr", "msa", "dma", "state", "hhs", "nation"),
  grp_vars = c("forecaster", "forecast_date", "ahead"),
  avg_vars = c("geo_value"),
  backfill_buffer = 0



tibble of predictions that are all for the same prediction task, meaning they are for the same response, incidence period,and geo type. Forecasts may be for a different forecast date or forecaster. A predictions card may be created by the function get_predictions(), downloaded with get_covidhub_predictions() or possibly created manually.


String indicating geographical type, such as "county", or "state". See the COVIDcast Geographic Coding documentation for available options.


character vector of named columns in the score_card at which average performance will be returned


character vector of named columns in the score_card over which averaging performance will be computed


How many days until response is deemed trustworthy enough to be taken as correct?


A tibble containing grp_vars, nominal_prob (the claimed interval coverage), prop_below (the proportion of actual values falling below the lower end of the confidence interval), prop_above (the proportion of actual values falling above the upper end of the confidence interval), and prop_covered (the proportion falling inside the interval). All proportions are calculated for each available symmetric interval at each combination of grouping variables by averaging over any variables listed in avg_vars.


Checks are performed to ensure that averaging variables all contain the same confidence intervals though these may vary over grouping variables. avg_vars and grp_vars must have an empty intersection.