Plot interval width

  facet_rows = "forecast_date",
  facet_cols = "forecaster",
  grp_vars = c("forecaster", "forecast_date", "ahead"),
  avg_vars = c("geo_value"),
  levels = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.9)



tibble of predictions that are all for the same prediction task, meaning they are for the same response, incidence period,and geo type. Forecasts may be for a different forecast date or forecaster. A predictions card may be created by the function get_predictions(), downloaded with get_covidhub_predictions() or possibly created manually. Alternatively, any data frame with columns quantile, value and any grouping vars and averaging vars.


A variable name to facet data over. Creates a separate row of plots for each value of specified variable. Can be used with facet_cols to create a grid of plots. Should be passed to plot_calibration when customized.


Same as facet_rows, but with columns.


variables over which to compare widths The first determines the color of the lines while the rest will be faceted over


variables over which we compute quantiles.


Quantile levels for the summary of interval width, to be plotted. For example, levels = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.9), the default, plots the median, 70% and 90% quantiles of interval widths.


Interval width does not depend on the actual outcome, so this function can be called on predictions cards in addition to score cards.