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Slathering frosting means to implement a postprocessing layer. When creating a new postprocessing layer, you must implement an S3 method for this function


slather(object, components, workflow, new_data, ...)



a workflow with frosting postprocessing steps


a list of components containing model information. These will be updated and returned by the layer. These should be

  • mold - the output of calling hardhat::mold() on the workflow. This contains information about the preprocessing, including the recipe.

  • forged - the output of calling hardhat::forge() on the workflow. This should have predictors and outcomes for the new_data. It will have three components predictors, outcomes (if these were in the new_data), and extras (usually has the rest of the data, including keys).

  • keys - we put the keys (time_value, geo_value, and any others) here for ease.


an object of class workflow


a data frame containing the new predictors to preprocess and predict on


additional arguments used by methods. Currently unused.


The components list. In the same format after applying any updates.