Subset of Statistics Canada median employment income for postsecondary graduates
Subset of Statistics Canada median employment income for postsecondary graduates
An epiprocess::epi_df with 10193 rows and 8 variables:
- geo_value
The province in Canada associated with each row of measurements.
- time_value
The time value, a year integer in YYYY format
- edu_qual
The education qualification
- fos
The field of study
- age_group
The age group; either 15 to 34 or 35 to 64
- num_graduates
The number of graduates for the given row of characteristics
- med_income_2y
The median employment income two years after graduation
- med_income_5y
The median employment income five years after graduation
This object contains modified data from the following Statistics Canada data table: Characteristics and median employment income of longitudinal cohorts of postsecondary graduates two and five years after graduation, by educational qualification and field of study (primary groupings)
Only provincial-level geo_values are kept
Only age group, field of study, and educational qualification are kept as covariates. For the remaining covariates, we keep aggregated values and drop the level-specific rows.
No modifications were made to the time range of the data