Authors and Citation
Jacob Bien. Contributor.
Logan Brooks. Author, maintainer.
Rafael Catoia. Contributor.
Nat DeFries. Author.
Daniel McDonald. Author.
Rachel Lobay. Contributor.
Ken Mawer. Contributor.
Chloe You. Contributor.
Quang Nguyen. Contributor.
Evan Ray. Author.
Dmitry Shemetov. Author.
Ryan Tibshirani. Author.
David Weber. Contributor.
Lionel Henry. Contributor.
Author of included rlang fragments -
Hadley Wickham. Contributor.
Author of included rlang fragments -
Posit. Copyright holder.
Copyright holder of included rlang fragments -
Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Data contributor.
Owner of COVID-19 cases and deaths data from the COVID-19 Data Repository -
Johns Hopkins University. Copyright holder.
Copyright holder of COVID-19 cases and deaths data from the COVID-19 Data Repository -
Carnegie Mellon University Delphi Group. Data contributor.
Owner of claims-based CLI data from the Delphi Epidata API
Brooks L, DeFries N, McDonald D, Ray E, Shemetov D, Tibshirani R (2025). epiprocess: Tools for basic signal processing in epidemiology. R package version 0.11.0,
@Manual{, title = {epiprocess: Tools for basic signal processing in epidemiology}, author = {Logan Brooks and Nat DeFries and Daniel McDonald and Evan Ray and Dmitry Shemetov and Ryan Tibshirani}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.11.0}, url = {}, }