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An epi_archive is an S3 class which contains a data table along with several relevant pieces of metadata. The data table can be seen as the full archive (version history) for some signal variables of interest.


  compactify_tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5


  geo_type = deprecated(),
  time_type = deprecated(),
  other_keys = character(),
  compactify = NULL,
  clobberable_versions_start = NA,
  .versions_end = max_version_with_row_in(x),
  versions_end = .versions_end



A data.frame, data.table, or tibble, with columns geo_value, time_value, version, and then any additional number of columns.


DEPRECATED Has no effect. Geo value type is inferred from the location column and set to "custom" if not recognized.


DEPRECATED Has no effect. Time value type inferred from the time column and set to "custom" if not recognized. Unpredictable behavior may result if the time type is not recognized.


Character vector specifying the names of variables in x that should be considered key variables (in the language of data.table) apart from "geo_value", "time_value", and "version". Typical examples are "age" or more granular geographies.


Optional; Boolean. TRUE will remove some redundant rows, FALSE will not, and missing or NULL will remove redundant rows, but issue a warning. See more information at compactify.


Optional; length-1; either a value of the same class and typeof as x$version, or an NA of any class and typeof: specifically, either (a) the earliest version that could be subject to "clobbering" (being overwritten with different update data, but using the same version tag as the old update data), or (b) NA, to indicate that no versions are clobberable. There are a variety of reasons why versions could be clobberable under routine circumstances, such as (a) today's version of one/all of the columns being published after initially being filled with NA or LOCF, (b) a buggy version of today's data being published but then fixed and republished later in the day, or (c) data pipeline delays (e.g., publisher uploading, periodic scraping, database syncing, periodic fetching, etc.) that make events (a) or (b) reflected later in the day (or even on a different day) than expected; potential causes vary between different data pipelines. The default value is NA, which doesn't consider any versions to be clobberable. Another setting that may be appropriate for some pipelines is max_version_with_row_in(x).


Optional; length-1, same class and typeof as x$version: what is the last version we have observed? The default is max_version_with_row_in(x), but values greater than this could also be valid, and would indicate that we observed additional versions of the data beyond max(x$version), but they all contained empty updates. (The default value of clobberable_versions_start does not fully trust these empty updates, and assumes that any version >= max(x$version) could be clobbered.) If nrow(x) == 0, then this argument is mandatory.


double. the tolerance used to detect approximate equality for compactification


location based versions_end, used to avoid prefix version = issue from being assigned to versions_end instead of being used to rename columns.


used for specifying column names, as in dplyr::rename. For example version = release_date


An epi_archive object.


Epi Archive

An epi_archive contains a data table DT, of class data.table from the data.table package, with (at least) the following columns:

  • geo_value: the geographic value associated with each row of measurements.

  • time_value: the time value associated with each row of measurements.

  • version: the time value specifying the version for each row of measurements. For example, if in a given row the version is January 15, 2022 and time_value is January 14, 2022, then this row contains the measurements of the data for January 14, 2022 that were available one day later.

The data table DT has key variables geo_value, time_value, version, as well as any others (these can be specified when instantiating the epi_archive object via the other_keys argument, and/or set by operating on DT directly). Note that there can only be a single row per unique combination of key variables.


The following pieces of metadata are included as fields in an epi_archive object:

  • geo_type: the type for the geo values.

  • time_type: the type for the time values.

  • other_keys: any additional keys as a character vector. Typical examples are "age" or sub-geographies.

While this metadata is not protected, it is generally recommended to treat it as read-only, and to use the epi_archive methods to interact with the data archive. Unexpected behavior may result from modifying the metadata directly.

Generating Snapshots

An epi_archive object can be used to generate a snapshot of the data in epi_df format, which represents the most up-to-date time series values up to a point in time. This is accomplished by calling epix_as_of().

Sliding Computations

We can run a sliding computation over an epi_archive object, much like epi_slide() does for an epi_df object. This is accomplished by calling the slide() method for an epi_archive object, which works similarly to the way epi_slide() works for an epi_df object, but with one key difference: it is version-aware. That is, for an epi_archive object, the sliding computation at any given reference time point t is performed on data that would have been available as of t.


# Simple ex. with necessary keys
tib <- tibble::tibble(
  geo_value = rep(c("ca", "hi"), each = 5),
  time_value = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
    by = 1, length.out = 5
  ), times = 2),
  version = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-02"),
    by = 1, length.out = 5
  ), times = 2),
  value = rnorm(10, mean = 2, sd = 1)

toy_epi_archive <- tib %>% as_epi_archive()
#> → An `epi_archive` object, with metadata:
#>  Min/max time values: 2020-01-01 / 2020-01-05
#>  First/last version with update: 2020-01-02 / 2020-01-06
#>  Versions end: 2020-01-06
#>  A preview of the table (10 rows x 4 columns):
#> Key: <geo_value, time_value, version>
#>     geo_value time_value    version      value
#>        <char>     <Date>     <Date>      <num>
#>  1:        ca 2020-01-01 2020-01-02  0.5999565
#>  2:        ca 2020-01-02 2020-01-03  2.2553171
#>  3:        ca 2020-01-03 2020-01-04 -0.4372636
#>  4:        ca 2020-01-04 2020-01-05  1.9944287
#>  5:        ca 2020-01-05 2020-01-06  2.6215527
#>  6:        hi 2020-01-01 2020-01-02  3.1484116
#>  7:        hi 2020-01-02 2020-01-03  0.1781823
#>  8:        hi 2020-01-03 2020-01-04  1.7526747
#>  9:        hi 2020-01-04 2020-01-05  1.7558004
#> 10:        hi 2020-01-05 2020-01-06  1.7172946

# Ex. with an additional key for county
df <- data.frame(
  geo_value = c(replicate(2, "ca"), replicate(2, "fl")),
  county = c(1, 3, 2, 5),
  time_value = c(
  version = c(
  cases = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  cases_rate = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.05)

x <- df %>% as_epi_archive(other_keys = "county")
#> Warning: Unsupported time type in column `x$time_value`, with class `character`.
#> Time-related functionality may have unexpected behavior.