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Estimates the growth rate of a signal at given points along the underlying sequence. Several methodologies are available; see the growth rate vignette for examples.


  x = seq_along(y),
  x0 = x,
  method = c("rel_change", "linear_reg", "smooth_spline", "trend_filter"),
  h = 7,
  log_scale = FALSE,
  na_rm = FALSE,
  params = growth_rate_params()



Signal values.


Design points corresponding to the signal values y. Default is seq_along(y) (that is, equally-spaced points from 1 to the length of y).


Points at which we should estimate the growth rate. Must be a contained in the range of x (no extrapolation allowed). Default is x.


Either "rel_change", "linear_reg", "smooth_spline", or "trend_filter", indicating the method to use for the growth rate calculation. The first two are local methods: they are run in a sliding fashion over the sequence (in order to estimate derivatives and hence growth rates); the latter two are global methods: they are run once over the entire sequence. See details for more explanation.


Bandwidth for the sliding window, when method is "rel_change" or "linear_reg". See details for more explanation.


Should growth rates be estimated using the parametrization on the log scale? See details for an explanation. Default is FALSE.


Should missing values be removed before the computation? Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments to pass to the method used to estimate the derivative. This should be created with growth_rate_params().


Vector of growth rate estimates at the specified points x0.


The growth rate of a function f defined over a continuously-valued parameter t is defined as f'(t) / f(t), where f'(t) is the derivative of f at t. To estimate the growth rate of a signal in discrete-time (which can be thought of as evaluations or discretizations of an underlying function in continuous-time), we can therefore estimate the derivative and divide by the signal value itself (or possibly a smoothed version of the signal value).

The following methods are available for estimating the growth rate:

  • "rel_change": uses (B/A - 1) / h, where B is the average of y over the second half of a sliding window of bandwidth h centered at the reference point x0, and A the average over the first half. This can be seen as using a first-difference approximation to the derivative.

  • "linear_reg": uses the slope from a linear regression of y on x over a sliding window centered at the reference point x0, divided by the fitted value from this linear regression at x0.

  • "smooth_spline": uses the estimated derivative at x0 from a smoothing spline fit to x and y, via stats::smooth.spline(), divided by the fitted value of the spline at x0.

  • "trend_filter": uses the estimated derivative at x0 from polynomial trend filtering (a discrete spline) fit to x and y, via trendfilter::trendfilter(), divided by the fitted value of the discrete spline at x0. This method requires the {trendfilter} package to be installed.

Log Scale

An alternative view for the growth rate of a function f in general is given by defining g(t) = log(f(t)), and then observing that g'(t) = f'(t) / f(t). Therefore, any method that estimates the derivative can be simply applied to the log of the signal of interest, and in this light, each method above ("rel_change", "linear_reg", "smooth_spline", and "trend_filter") has a log scale analog, which can be used by setting log_scale = TRUE.

Sliding Windows

For the local methods, "rel_change" and "linear_reg", we use a sliding window centered at the reference point of bandiwidth h. In other words, the sliding window consists of all points in x whose distance to the reference point is at most h. Note that the unit for this distance is implicitly defined by the x variable; for example, if x is a vector of Date objects, h = 7, and the reference point is January 7, then the sliding window contains all data in between January 1 and 14 (matching the behavior of epi_slide() with before = h - 1 and after = h).

Additional Arguments

For the global methods, "smooth_spline" and "trend_filter", additional arguments can be specified via params for the underlying estimation function. These additional arguments are passed to stats::smooth.spline(), trendfilter::trendfilter(), or trendfilter::cv_trendfilter(). The defaults are exactly as specified in those functions, except when those defaults conflict among these functions. These cases are as follows:

  • df: desired effective degrees of freedom. For "smooth_spline", this must be numeric (or NULL) and will be passed along to the underlying function. For "trend_filter", if cv = FALSE, then df must be a positive number (integer is most sensible); if cv = TRUE, then df must be one of "min" or "1se" indicating the selection rule to use based on the cross-validation error curve: minimum or 1-standard-error rule, respectively. The default is "min" (going along with the default cv = TRUE).

  • lambda: For "smooth_spline", this should be a scalar value or NULL. For "trend_filter", this is allowed to also be a vector, as long as either cv = TRUE or df is specified.

  • cv: should cross-validation be used to choose an effective degrees of freedom for the fit? The default is FALSE to match stats::smooth.spline(). In that case, as in that function, GCV is used instead. For "trend_filter", this will be coerced to TRUE if neither df nor lambda are specified (the default). Note that passing both df and a scalar lambda will always be an error.


# COVID cases growth rate by state using default method relative change
cases_deaths_subset %>%
  group_by(geo_value) %>%
  mutate(cases_gr = growth_rate(x = time_value, y = cases))
#> An `epi_df` object, 4,026 x 7 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2024-03-20
#> # A tibble: 4,026 × 7
#> # Groups:   geo_value [6]
#>    geo_value time_value case_rate_7d_av death_rate_7d_av cases cases_7d_av
#>    <chr>     <date>               <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 ca        2020-03-01         0.00327         0            6        1.29
#>  2 ca        2020-03-02         0.00435         0            4        1.71
#>  3 ca        2020-03-03         0.00617         0            6        2.43
#>  4 ca        2020-03-04         0.00980         0.000363    11        3.86
#>  5 ca        2020-03-05         0.0134          0.000363    10        5.29
#>  6 ca        2020-03-06         0.0200          0.000363    18        7.86
#>  7 ca        2020-03-07         0.0294          0.000363    26       11.6 
#>  8 ca        2020-03-08         0.0341          0.000363    19       13.4 
#>  9 ca        2020-03-09         0.0410          0.000726    23       16.1 
#> 10 ca        2020-03-10         0.0468          0.000726    22       18.4 
#> # ℹ 4,016 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: cases_gr <dbl>

# Degree 3 polynomial and 5-fold cross validation on the log scale
# some locations report 0 cases, so we replace these with 1
cases_deaths_subset %>%
  group_by(geo_value) %>%
  mutate(gr_poly = growth_rate(
    x = time_value, y = pmax(cases, 1), method = "trend_filter",
    log_scale = TRUE, na_rm = TRUE
#> An `epi_df` object, 4,026 x 7 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2024-03-20
#> # A tibble: 4,026 × 7
#> # Groups:   geo_value [6]
#>    geo_value time_value case_rate_7d_av death_rate_7d_av cases cases_7d_av
#>    <chr>     <date>               <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 ca        2020-03-01         0.00327         0            6        1.29
#>  2 ca        2020-03-02         0.00435         0            4        1.71
#>  3 ca        2020-03-03         0.00617         0            6        2.43
#>  4 ca        2020-03-04         0.00980         0.000363    11        3.86
#>  5 ca        2020-03-05         0.0134          0.000363    10        5.29
#>  6 ca        2020-03-06         0.0200          0.000363    18        7.86
#>  7 ca        2020-03-07         0.0294          0.000363    26       11.6 
#>  8 ca        2020-03-08         0.0341          0.000363    19       13.4 
#>  9 ca        2020-03-09         0.0410          0.000726    23       16.1 
#> 10 ca        2020-03-10         0.0468          0.000726    22       18.4 
#> # ℹ 4,016 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: gr_poly <dbl>