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In the standard case, the arx models assume that the last observation is also the day from which the forecast is being made. But if the data has latency, then you may wish to adjust the predictors (lags) and/or the outcome (ahead) to compensate. This is most useful in realtime and pseudo-prospective forecasting for data where there is some delay between the event occurring and the event being reported.


  method = c("extend_ahead", "locf", "extend_lags"),
  epi_keys_checked = NULL,
  keys_to_ignore = c(),
  fixed_latency = NULL,
  fixed_forecast_date = NULL,
  check_latency_length = TRUE,
  id = rand_id("adjust_latency")



A recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.


One or more selector functions to choose variables for this step. See selections() for more details.


a character. Determines the method by which the forecast handles latency. The options are:

  • "extend_ahead": Lengthen the ahead so that forecasting from the last observation results in a forecast ahead after the forecast_date date. E.g. if there are 3 days of latency between the last observation and the forecast_date date for a 4 day ahead forecast, the ahead used in practice is actually 7.

  • "locf": carries forward the last observed value(s) up to the forecast date.

  • "extend_lags": per epi_key and predictor, adjusts the lag so that the shortest lag at predict time is at the last observation. E.g. if the lags are c(0,7,14) for data that is 3 days latent, the actual lags used become c(3,10,17).


a character vector. A list of keys to group by before finding the max_time_value (the last day of data), defaulting to geo_value. Different locations may have different latencies; to produce a forecast at every location, we need to guarantee data at every location by using the largest latency across every location; this means taking max_time_value to be the minimum of the max_time_values for each set of key values (so the earliest date). If NULL or an empty character vector, it will take the maximum across all values, irrespective of any keys.

Note that this is a separate concern from different latencies across different data columns, which is only handled by the choice of method.


a list of character vectors. Set this to avoid using specific key values in the epi_keys_checked to set latency. For example, say you have two locations pr and gu which have useful training data, but have stopped providing up-to-date information, and so are no longer part of the test set. Setting keys_to_ignore = list(geo_value = c("pr", "gu")) will exclude them from the latency calculation.


either a positive integer, or a labeled positive integer vector. Cannot be set at the same time as fixed_forecast_date. If non-NULL, the amount to offset the ahead or lag by. If a single integer, this is used for all columns; if a labeled vector, the labels must correspond to the base column names (before lags/aheads). If NULL, the latency is the distance between the epi_df's max_time_value and the forecast_date.


either a date of the same kind used in the epi_df, or NULL. Exclusive with fixed_latency. If a date, it gives the date from which the forecast is actually occurring. If NULL, the forecast_date is determined either via the fixed_latency, or is set to the epi_df's as_of value if fixed_latency is also NULL.


bool, determines whether to warn if the latency is unusually high. Turn off if you know your forecast is going to be far into the future.


A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.


An updated version of recipe with the new step added to the sequence of any existing operations.


This step allows the user to create models on the most recent data, automatically accounting for latency patterns. Instead of using the last observation date, step_adjust_latency uses the as_of date of the epi_df as the forecast_date, and adjusts the model so that there is data available. To demonstrate some of the subtleties, let's consider a toy dataset:

toy_df <- tribble(
 ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~a, ~b,
 "ma", as.Date("2015-01-11"), 20, 6,
 "ma", as.Date("2015-01-12"), 23, NA,
 "ma", as.Date("2015-01-13"), 25, NA,
 "ca", as.Date("2015-01-11"), 100, 5,
 "ca", as.Date("2015-01-12"), 103, 10,
) %>%
   as_epi_df(as_of = as.Date("2015-01-14"))

If we're looking to predict the value on the 15th, forecasting from the 14th (the as_of date above), there are two issues we will need to address:

  1. "ca" is latent by 2 days, whereas "ma" is latent by 1

  2. if we want to use b as an exogenous variable, for "ma" it is latent by 3 days instead of just 1.

Regardless of method, epi_keys_checked="geo_value" guarantees tha the difference between "ma" and "ca" is accounted for by making the latency adjustment at least 2. For some comparison, here's what the various methods will do:


Short for "last observation carried forward", locf assumes that every day between the last observation and the forecast day is exactly the same. This is a very straightforward assumption, but wrecks any features that depend on changes in value over time, such as the growth rate, or even adjacent lags. A more robust version of this falls under the heading of nowcasting, an eventual aim for this package. On the toy dataset, it doesn't matter which day we're trying to predict, since it just fills forward to the forecast_date:

toy_recipe <- epi_recipe(toy_df) %>%

toy_recipe %>%
  prep(toy_df) %>%
  bake(toy_df) %>%
  arrange(geo_value, time_value)
#> An `epi_df` object, 8 x 4 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2015-01-14
#> # A tibble: 8 x 4
#>   geo_value time_value     a     b
#> * <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ca        2015-01-11   100     5
#> 2 ca        2015-01-12   103    10
#> 3 ca        2015-01-13   103    10
#> 4 ca        2015-01-14   103    10
#> 5 ma        2015-01-11    20     6
#> 6 ma        2015-01-12    23     6
#> 7 ma        2015-01-13    25     6
#> 8 ma        2015-01-14    25     6


extend_lags increases the lags so that they are guaranteed to have data. This has the advantage of being applicable on a per-column basis; if cases and deaths are reported at different latencies, the lags for each are adjusted separately. In the toy example:

toy_recipe <- epi_recipe(toy_df) %>%
  step_adjust_latency(method="extend_lags") %>%
  step_epi_lag(a,lag=1) %>%
  step_epi_lag(b,lag=1) %>%
  step_epi_ahead(a, ahead=1)

toy_recipe %>%
  prep(toy_df) %>%
  bake(toy_df) %>%
  arrange(geo_value, time_value)
#> An `epi_df` object, 21 x 7 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2015-01-14
#> # A tibble: 21 x 7
#>    geo_value time_value     a     b lag_3_a lag_4_b ahead_1_a
#>  * <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 ca        2015-01-10    NA    NA      NA      NA       100
#>  2 ca        2015-01-11   100     5      NA      NA       103
#>  3 ca        2015-01-12   103    10      NA      NA        NA
#>  4 ca        2015-01-13    NA    NA      NA      NA        NA
#>  5 ca        2015-01-14    NA    NA     100      NA        NA
#>  6 ca        2015-01-15    NA    NA     103       5        NA
#>  7 ca        2015-01-16    NA    NA      NA      10        NA
#>  8 ca        2015-01-17    NA    NA      NA      NA        NA
#>  9 ca        2015-01-18    NA    NA      NA      NA        NA
#> 10 ca        2015-01-19    NA    NA      NA      NA        NA
#> # i 11 more rows

The maximum latency in column a is 2 days, so the lag is increased to 3, while the max latency in column b is 3, so the same lag is increased to 4; both of these changes are reflected in the column names. Meanwhile the ahead is uneffected.

As a side-note, lag/ahead can be somewhat ambiguous about direction. Here, the values are brought forward in time, so that for a given row, column lag_3_a represents the value 3 days before.


extend_ahead increases the ahead, turning a 3 day ahead forecast into a 7 day one; this has the advantage of simplicity and is reflective of the actual modelling task, but potentially leaves information unused if different data sources have different latencies; it must use the latency of the most latent data to insure there is data available. In the toy example:

toy_recipe <- epi_recipe(toy_df) %>%
  step_adjust_latency(method="extend_ahead") %>%
  step_epi_lag(a,lag=0) %>%
  step_epi_ahead(a, ahead=1)

toy_recipe %>%
  prep(toy_df) %>%
  bake(toy_df) %>%
  arrange(geo_value, time_value)
#> An `epi_df` object, 10 x 6 with metadata:
#> * geo_type  = state
#> * time_type = day
#> * as_of     = 2015-01-14
#> # A tibble: 10 x 6
#>    geo_value time_value     a     b lag_0_a ahead_3_a
#>  * <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 ca        2015-01-08    NA    NA      NA       100
#>  2 ca        2015-01-09    NA    NA      NA       103
#>  3 ca        2015-01-11   100     5     100        NA
#>  4 ca        2015-01-12   103    10     103        NA
#>  5 ma        2015-01-08    NA    NA      NA        20
#>  6 ma        2015-01-09    NA    NA      NA        23
#>  7 ma        2015-01-10    NA    NA      NA        25
#>  8 ma        2015-01-11    20     6      20        NA
#>  9 ma        2015-01-12    23    NA      23        NA
#> 10 ma        2015-01-13    25    NA      25        NA

Even though we're doing a 1 day ahead forecast, because our worst latency is 3 days from column b's "ma" data, our outcome column is ahead_4_a (so 4 days ahead). If we want to ignore any latency in column b, we need to explicitly set the columns to consider while adjusting like this: step_adjust_latency(a, method="extend_ahead").

Programmatic details

step_adjust_latency uses the metadata, such as time_type and as_of, of the epi_df used in the initial prep step, rather than baking or prediction. This means reusing the same forecaster on new data is not advised, though typically it is not advised in general.

The latency adjustment only applies to columns created after this step, so this step should go before both step_epi_ahead and step_epi_lag. This will work:

toy_recipe <- epi_recipe(toy_df) %>%
   # non-lag steps
   step_adjust_latency(a, method = "extend_lags") %>%
   step_epi_lag(a, lag=0) # other steps

while this will not:

toy_recipe <- epi_recipe(toy_df) %>%
   step_epi_lag(a, lag=0) %>%
   step_adjust_latency(a, method = "extend_lags")
#> Warning: If `method` is "extend_lags" or "locf", then the previous `step_epi_lag`s won't
#> work with modified data.

If you create columns that you then apply lags to (such as step_growth_rate()), these should be created before step_adjust_latency, so any subseqent latency can be addressed.

See also

Other row operation steps: step_epi_lag(), step_growth_rate(), step_lag_difference()


jhu <- covid_case_death_rates %>%
  dplyr::filter(time_value > "2021-11-01", geo_value %in% c("ak", "ca", "ny"))
# setting the `as_of` to something realistic
attributes(jhu)$metadata$as_of <- max(jhu$time_value) + 3

r <- epi_recipe(covid_case_death_rates) %>%
  step_adjust_latency(method = "extend_ahead") %>%
  step_epi_ahead(death_rate, ahead = 7) %>%
  step_epi_lag(death_rate, lag = c(0, 7, 14))
#> ── Epi Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs 
#> Number of variables by role
#> raw:        2
#> geo_value:  1
#> time_value: 1
#> ── Operations 
#> 1. extend_ahead: all future predictors with latency set at train time
#> 2. Leading: death_rate by 7
#> 3. Lagging: death_rate by 0, 7, 14

jhu_fit <- epi_workflow() %>%
  add_epi_recipe(r) %>%
  add_model(linear_reg()) %>%
  fit(data = jhu)
#> ══ Epi Workflow [trained] ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> Preprocessor: Recipe
#> Model: linear_reg()
#> Postprocessor: None
#> ── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> 3 Recipe steps.
#> 1. step_adjust_latency()
#> 2. step_epi_ahead()
#> 3. step_epi_lag()
#> ── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Call:
#> stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#>       (Intercept)   lag_0_death_rate   lag_7_death_rate  lag_14_death_rate  
#>           0.38227           -0.22270           -0.04121           -0.04057  