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Aggregation, both time-wise and geo-wise, are common tasks when working with epidemiological data sets. This vignette demonstrates how to carry out these kinds of tasks with epi_df objects. We’ll work with county-level reported COVID-19 cases in MA and VT.


# Use covidcast::county_census to get the county and state names
y <- covidcast::county_census %>%
  filter(STNAME %in% c("Massachusetts", "Vermont"), STNAME != CTYNAME) %>%
  select(geo_value = FIPS, county_name = CTYNAME, state_name = STNAME)

# Fetch only counties from Massachusetts and Vermont, then append names columns as well
x <- pub_covidcast(
  source = "jhu-csse",
  signals = "confirmed_incidence_num",
  geo_type = "county",
  time_type = "day",
  geo_values = paste(y$geo_value, collapse = ","),
  time_values = epirange(20200601, 20211231),
) %>%
  select(geo_value, time_value, cases = value) %>%
  full_join(y, by = "geo_value") %>%
  as_epi_df(as_of = as.Date("2024-03-20"))

The data contains 16,212 rows and 5 columns.

Converting to tsibble format

For manipulating and wrangling time series data, the tsibble already provides a whole bunch of useful tools. A tsibble object (formerly, of class tbl_ts) is basically a tibble (data frame) but with two specially-marked columns: an index column representing the time variable (defining an order from past to present), and a key column identifying a unique observational unit for each time point. In fact, the key can be made up of any number of columns, not just a single one.

In an epi_df object, the index variable is time_value, and the key variable is typically geo_value (though this need not always be the case: for example, if we have an age group variable as another column, then this could serve as a second key variable). The epiprocess package thus provides an implementation of as_tsibble() for epi_df objects, which sets these variables according to these defaults.

## # A tsibble: 6 x 5 [1D]
## # Key:       geo_value [1]
##   geo_value time_value cases county_name       state_name   
##   <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <chr>             <chr>        
## 1 25001     2020-06-01     4 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## 2 25001     2020-06-02     6 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## 3 25001     2020-06-03     5 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## 4 25001     2020-06-04     8 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## 5 25001     2020-06-05     3 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## 6 25001     2020-06-06     4 Barnstable County Massachusetts
## [[1]]
## geo_value
## time_value
## <interval[1]>
## [1] 1D

We can also set the key variable(s) directly in a call to as_tsibble(). Similar to SQL keys, if the key does not uniquely identify each time point (that is, the key and index together do not not uniquely identify each row), then as_tsibble() throws an error:

head(as_tsibble(x, key = "county_name"))
## Error in `validate_tsibble()`:
## ! A valid tsibble must have distinct rows identified by key and index.
##  Please use `duplicates()` to check the duplicated rows.

As we can see, there are duplicate county names between Massachusetts and Vermont, which caused the error.

head(duplicates(x, key = "county_name"))
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   geo_value time_value cases county_name     state_name   
##   <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <chr>           <chr>        
## 1 25009     2020-06-01    63 Essex County    Massachusetts
## 2 25011     2020-06-01     0 Franklin County Massachusetts
## 3 50009     2020-06-01     0 Essex County    Vermont      
## 4 50011     2020-06-01     0 Franklin County Vermont      
## 5 25009     2020-06-02    74 Essex County    Massachusetts
## 6 25011     2020-06-02     0 Franklin County Massachusetts

Keying by both county name and state name, however, does work:

head(as_tsibble(x, key = c("county_name", "state_name")))
## # A tsibble: 6 x 5 [1D]
## # Key:       county_name, state_name [1]
##   geo_value time_value cases county_name    state_name
##   <chr>     <date>     <dbl> <chr>          <chr>     
## 1 50001     2020-06-01     0 Addison County Vermont   
## 2 50001     2020-06-02     0 Addison County Vermont   
## 3 50001     2020-06-03     0 Addison County Vermont   
## 4 50001     2020-06-04     0 Addison County Vermont   
## 5 50001     2020-06-05     0 Addison County Vermont   
## 6 50001     2020-06-06     1 Addison County Vermont

Detecting and filling time gaps

One of the major advantages of the tsibble package is its ability to handle implicit gaps in time series data. In other words, it can infer what time scale we’re interested in (say, daily data), and detect apparent gaps (say, when values are reported on January 1 and 3 but not January 2). We can subsequently use functionality to make these missing entries explicit, which will generally help avoid bugs in further downstream data processing tasks.

Let’s first remove certain dates from our data set to create gaps:

# First make geo value more readable for tables, plots, etc.
x <- x %>%
  mutate(geo_value = paste(
    substr(county_name, 1, nchar(county_name) - 7),
    sep = ", "
  )) %>%
  select(geo_value, time_value, cases)

xt <- as_tsibble(x) %>% filter(cases >= 3)

The functions has_gaps(), scan_gaps(), count_gaps() in the tsibble package each provide useful summaries, in slightly different formats.

## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   geo_value      .gaps
##   <chr>          <lgl>
## 1 Addison, VT    TRUE 
## 2 Barnstable, MA TRUE 
## 3 Bennington, VT TRUE 
## 4 Berkshire, MA  TRUE 
## 5 Bristol, MA    TRUE 
## 6 Caledonia, VT  TRUE
## # A tsibble: 6 x 2 [1D]
## # Key:       geo_value [1]
##   geo_value   time_value
##   <chr>       <date>    
## 1 Addison, VT 2020-08-28
## 2 Addison, VT 2020-08-29
## 3 Addison, VT 2020-08-30
## 4 Addison, VT 2020-08-31
## 5 Addison, VT 2020-09-01
## 6 Addison, VT 2020-09-02
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   geo_value   .from      .to           .n
##   <chr>       <date>     <date>     <int>
## 1 Addison, VT 2020-08-28 2020-10-04    38
## 2 Addison, VT 2020-10-06 2020-10-23    18
## 3 Addison, VT 2020-10-25 2020-11-04    11
## 4 Addison, VT 2020-11-06 2020-11-10     5
## 5 Addison, VT 2020-11-14 2020-11-18     5
## 6 Addison, VT 2020-11-20 2020-11-20     1

We can also visualize the patterns of missingness:


    x = reorder(geo_value, desc(geo_value)),
    color = geo_value
) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = .from, ymax = .to)) +
  geom_point(aes(y = .from)) +
  geom_point(aes(y = .to)) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "County", y = "Date") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Using the fill_gaps() function from tsibble, we can replace all gaps by an explicit value. The default is NA, but in the current case, where missingness is not at random but rather represents a small value that was censored (only a hypothetical with COVID-19 reports, but certainly a real phenomenon that occurs in other signals), it is better to replace it by zero, which is what we do here. (Other approaches, such as LOCF: last observation carried forward in time, could be accomplished by first filling with NA values and then following up with a second call to tidyr::fill().)

fill_gaps(xt, cases = 0) %>%
## # A tsibble: 6 x 3 [1D]
## # Key:       geo_value [1]
##   geo_value   time_value cases
##   <chr>       <date>     <dbl>
## 1 Addison, VT 2020-08-27     3
## 2 Addison, VT 2020-08-28     0
## 3 Addison, VT 2020-08-29     0
## 4 Addison, VT 2020-08-30     0
## 5 Addison, VT 2020-08-31     0
## 6 Addison, VT 2020-09-01     0

Note that the time series for Addison, VT only starts on August 27, 2020, even though the original (uncensored) data set itself was drawn from a period that went back to June 6, 2020. By setting .full = TRUE, we can at zero-fill over the entire span of the observed (censored) data.

xt_filled <- fill_gaps(xt, cases = 0, .full = TRUE)

## # A tsibble: 6 x 3 [1D]
## # Key:       geo_value [1]
##   geo_value   time_value cases
##   <chr>       <date>     <dbl>
## 1 Addison, VT 2020-06-01     0
## 2 Addison, VT 2020-06-02     0
## 3 Addison, VT 2020-06-03     0
## 4 Addison, VT 2020-06-04     0
## 5 Addison, VT 2020-06-05     0
## 6 Addison, VT 2020-06-06     0

Explicit imputation for missingness (zero-filling in our case) can be important for protecting against bugs in all sorts of downstream tasks. For example, even something as simple as a 7-day trailing average is complicated by missingness. The function epi_slide() looks for all rows within a window of 7 days anchored on the right at the reference time point (when before = 6). But when some days in a given week are missing because they were censored because they had small case counts, taking an average of the observed case counts can be misleading and is unintentionally biased upwards. Meanwhile, running epi_slide() on the zero-filled data brings these trailing averages (appropriately) downwards, as we can see inspecting Plymouth, MA around July 1, 2021.

xt %>%
  as_epi_df(as_of = as.Date("2024-03-20")) %>%
  group_by(geo_value) %>%
  epi_slide(cases_7dav = mean(cases), before = 6) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    geo_value == "Plymouth, MA",
    abs(time_value - as.Date("2021-07-01")) <= 3
  ) %>%
  print(n = 7)
## An `epi_df` object, 4 x 4 with metadata:
## * geo_type  = custom
## * time_type = day
## * as_of     = 2024-03-20
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
##   geo_value    time_value cases cases_7dav
## * <chr>        <date>     <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 Plymouth, MA 2021-06-28     3       4.25
## 2 Plymouth, MA 2021-06-30     7       5   
## 3 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-01     6       5   
## 4 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-02     6       5.2
xt_filled %>%
  as_epi_df(as_of = as.Date("2024-03-20")) %>%
  group_by(geo_value) %>%
  epi_slide(cases_7dav = mean(cases), before = 6) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    geo_value == "Plymouth, MA",
    abs(time_value - as.Date("2021-07-01")) <= 3
  ) %>%
  print(n = 7)
## An `epi_df` object, 7 x 4 with metadata:
## * geo_type  = custom
## * time_type = day
## * as_of     = 2024-03-20
## # A tibble: 7 × 4
##   geo_value    time_value cases cases_7dav
## * <chr>        <date>     <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 Plymouth, MA 2021-06-28     3       2.43
## 2 Plymouth, MA 2021-06-29     0       2.43
## 3 Plymouth, MA 2021-06-30     7       2.86
## 4 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-01     6       2.86
## 5 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-02     6       3.71
## 6 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-03     0       3.71
## 7 Plymouth, MA 2021-07-04     0       3.14

Geographic aggregation



This document contains a dataset that is a modified part of the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University as republished in the COVIDcast Epidata API. This data set is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license by the Johns Hopkins University on behalf of its Center for Systems Science in Engineering. Copyright Johns Hopkins University 2020.

From the COVIDcast Epidata API: These signals are taken directly from the JHU CSSE COVID-19 GitHub repository without changes.