JHU Cases and Deaths


This data source of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths is based on reports made available by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

Signal and 7-day average signal Description
confirmed_cumulative_num and confirmed_7dav_cumulative_num Cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
confirmed_cumulative_prop and confirmed_7dav_cumulative_prop Cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
confirmed_incidence_num and confirmed_7dav_incidence_num Number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases, daily
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
confirmed_incidence_prop and confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop Number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population, daily
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
deaths_cumulative_num and deaths_7dav_cumulative_num Cumulative number of confirmed deaths due to COVID-19
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
deaths_cumulative_prop and deaths_7dav_cumulative_prop Cumulative number of confirmed due to COVID-19, per 100,000 population
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
deaths_incidence_num and deaths_7dav_incidence_num Number of new confirmed deaths due to COVID-19, daily
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20
deaths_incidence_prop and deaths_7dav_incidence_prop Number of new confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 per 100,000 population, daily
Earliest date available: 2020-01-22 & 2020-02-20

These signals are taken directly from the JHU CSSE COVID-19 GitHub repository without changes. The 7-day average signals are computed by Delphi by calculating moving averages of the preceding 7 days, so e.g. the signal for June 7 is the average of the underlying data for June 1 through 7, inclusive.

This data is similar in intent to our USAFacts Cases and Deaths source, but as USAFacts collects and aggregates its data in slightly different ways, the data is not identical. Users should evaluate which source better fits their needs, or use the combination signal of both USAFacts and JHU data.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Limitations
  3. Geographical Exceptions
    1. Rhode Island
    2. Puerto Rico
    3. Utah
    4. Kansas City, Missouri
    5. Dukes and Nantucket Counties, Massachusetts
    6. Mismatched FIPS Codes
  4. Source and Licensing


JHU’s data reports cumulative cases and deaths, so our incidence signals are calculated by subtracting each day’s cumulative count from the previous day. Since cumulative figures are sometimes corrected or amended by health authorities, this can sometimes result in negative incidence. Health authorities can also change reporting standards in ways that dramatically increase the number of cumulative deaths, resulting in an apparent spike in incidence. This should be interpreted purely as an artifact of data reporting and correction.

Standard errors and sample sizes are not applicable to these metrics.

Geographical Exceptions

Due to differences in state reporting standards, certain counties are not reported in the JHU data or are reported combined with other counties.

Rhode Island

As of June 2020, the JHU data does not report any cases or deaths for individual counties in Rhode Island. These cases and deaths are reported unassigned to any individual county, and are attributed to the megaFIPS 44000 as well as contributing to the state-level estimates.

Puerto Rico

JHU does not report Puerto Rico deaths at the municipal level, but instead reports the numbers for the whole Commonwealth in the “Unassigned” category. We map this JHU UID to megaFIPS 72000 and use this information when reporting deaths at the state level.


JHU reports some counts for Utah in special geocodes. These geocodes correspond to clusters of counties overseen by the same health department.

County Name JHU UID Code
Bear River 84070015
Central Utah 84070016
Southeast Utah 84070017
Southwest Utah 84070018
TriCounty 84070019
Weber-Morgan 84070020

These are mapped to the megaFIPS 49000 and accounted for in the state totals.

Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City intersects the following four counties, which themselves report confirmed case and deaths data:

County Name FIPS Code
Jackson County 29095
Platte County 29165
Cass County 29037
Clay County 29047

We distribute count totals to each of these counties in proportion to the population. JHU reports all of these in the UID 84070003, which does not correspond to a Census Bureau FIPS.

Dukes and Nantucket Counties, Massachusetts

The counties of Dukes and Nantucket report their figures together; We distribute count totals to each of these counties in proportion to the population. JHU reports all of these in the UID 84070002, which does not correspond to a Census Bureau FIPS. Here are the FIPS codes for the individual counties:

County Name FIPS Code
Dukes County 25007
Nantucket County 25019

Mismatched FIPS Codes

Finally, there are two FIPS codes that were changed in 2015 (see the Census Bureau documentation), leading to mismatch between us and JHU. We report the data using the FIPS code used by JHU, again to promote consistency and avoid confusion by external users of the dataset. For the mapping to MSA and HRR, these two counties are included properly.

County Name State “Our” FIPS JHU FIPS
Oglala Lakota South Dakota 46113 46102
Kusilvak Alaska 02270 02158

Source and Licensing

This data set is republished from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. If you use this data, you are requested to attribute the data as follows:

COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19