COVIDcast Metadata

The COVIDcast metadata endpoint (endpoint covidcast_meta) provides a list of all sources and signals available in the API, along with basic summary statistics such as the dates they are available, their minimum and maximum values, and the geographic levels at which they are reported.


The base URL is:

See this documentation for details on specifying epiweeks, dates, and lists.


None required.


Field Description Type
result result code: 1 = success, 2 = too many results, -2 = no results integer
epidata list of results, one per name/geo_type pair array of objects
epidata[].data_source data source string
epidata[].signal signal name string
epidata[].time_type temporal resolution of the signal (e.g., day, week) string
epidata[].geo_type geographic resolution (e.g. county, hrr, msa, dma, state) string
epidata[].min_time minimum observation time (e.g., 20200406) integer
epidata[].max_time maximum observation time (e.g., 20200413) integer
epidata[].num_locations number of distinct geographic locations with data integer
epidata[].min_value minimum value float
epidata[].max_value maximum value float
epidata[].mean_value mean of value float
epidata[].stdev_value standard deviation of value float
epidata[].max_issue most recent date data was issued (e.g., 20200710) integer
epidata[].min_lag smallest lag from observation to issue, in time_type units integer
epidata[].max_lag largest lag from observation to issue, in time_type units integer
message success or error message string

Example URLs

  "result": 1,
  "epidata": [
      "data_source": "doctor-visits",
      "signal": "smoothed_adj_cli",
      "last_update": 1592707979,
      "stdev_value": 2.6647410028331,
      "num_locations": 2500,
      "time_type": "day",
      "max_value": 87.190476,
      "mean_value": 1.4439366759191,
      "geo_type": "county",
      "min_value": 0,
      "max_time": 20200617,
      "min_time": 20200201
  "message": "success"

Code Samples

Libraries are available for JavaScript, Python, and R. The following samples show how to import the library and fetch Delphi’s COVID-19 Surveillance Streams metadata.

JavaScript (in a web browser)

<!-- Imports -->
<script src="delphi_epidata.js"></script>
<!-- Fetch data -->
  EpidataAsync.covidcast_meta().then((res) => {
    console.log(res.result, res.message, res.epidata != null ? res.epidata.length : 0);


Python users seeking to use the COVIDcast API to fetch data should instead consider using the dedicated API client, which provides a metadata() method to return metadata as a data frame.

Optionally install the package using pip(env):

pip install delphi-epidata

Otherwise, place from this repo next to your python script.

# Import
from delphi_epidata import Epidata
# Fetch data
res = Epidata.covidcast_meta()
print(res['result'], res['message'], len(res['epidata']))


R users seeking to use the COVIDcast API to fetch data should instead consider using the dedicated API client, which provides a covidcast_meta() function to return metadata as a data frame.

# Import
# Fetch data
res <- Epidata$covidcast_meta()
cat(paste(res$result, res$message, length(res$epidata), "\n"))