Delphi’s COVID-19 Data Sources and Signals
Delphi’s COVID-19 Surveillance Streams data includes the following data sources.
Data from most of these sources is typically updated daily. You can use the
endpoint to get summary information
about the ranges of the different attributes for the different data sources.
The API for retrieving data from these sources is described in the COVIDcast endpoint documentation. Changes and corrections to data from this endpoint are listed in the changelog.
To obtain many of these signals and update them daily, Delphi has written extensive software to obtain data from various sources, aggregate the data, calculate statistical estimates, and format the data to be shared through the COVIDcast endpoint of the Delphi Epidata API. This code is open source and available on GitHub, and contributions are welcome.
COVIDcast Dashboard Signals
The following signals are currently displayed on the public COVIDcast dashboard:
Kind | Name | Source | Signal |
Public Behavior | People Wearing Masks | fb-survey |
smoothed_wwearing_mask_7d |
Public Behavior | Vaccine Acceptance | fb-survey |
smoothed_wcovid_vaccinated_appointment_or_accept |
Public Behavior | COVID Symptom Searches on Google | google-symptoms |
sum_anosmia_ageusia_smoothed_search |
Early Indicators | COVID-Like Symptoms | fb-survey |
smoothed_wcli |
Early Indicators | COVID-Like Symptoms in Community | fb-survey |
smoothed_whh_cmnty_cli |
Early Indicators | COVID-Related Doctor Visits | doctor-visits |
smoothed_adj_cli |
Cases and Testing | COVID Cases | jhu-csse |
confirmed_7dav_incidence_prop |
Late Indicators | COVID Hospital Admissions | hhs |
confirmed_admissions_covid_1d_prop_7dav |
Late Indicators | Deaths | jhu-csse |
deaths_7dav_incidence_prop |
All Available Sources and Signals
Beyond the signals available on the COVIDcast dashboard, numerous other signals are available through our data export tool or directly through the API:
Table of contents
- Metadata
- Change Healthcare
- Doctor Visits
- Google Symptom Search Trends
- Hospital Admissions
- NCHS Mortality Data
- NHSN Respiratory Hospitalizations
- NSSP ED Visits
- Quidel
- inactive COVID Act Now
- inactive COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey
- inactive Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup Community Profile Report
- inactive Google Health Trends
- inactive Google Symptom Surveys
- inactive HHS Hospitalizations from NHSN
- inactive Indicator Combination
- inactive JHU Cases and Deaths
- inactive SafeGraph
- inactive USAFacts Cases and Deaths
- inactive Youtube Survey